On a random note, I’d be intrigued to know; which rides on park do we currently feel have the strongest and weakest operations?
Personally, I’m not sure on weakest, but I’d have to say that I think Wicker Man is a possible candidate for strongest; it seemed to be struggling a little more on my most recent visit, with double stacking occasionally present, but in general, they do a phenomenal job, often getting the trains out right on dispatch interval!
On a side note, I discovered that Wicker Man’s dispatch interval is around 1m 20s, so if the ride consistently dispatched right on dispatch interval, it would get roughly 45 trains per hour or 1,080 riders per hour.
I know this because I’ve seen numerous occasions where the staff are holding down the dispatch buttons, but the system won’t physically let them send the train, and the fastest dispatches I’ve seen on the ride are the ones where a train changing angle on the lift hill crosses over the one in front hitting the brake run, and this interval is roughly 1m 20s whenever I’ve timed it using dispatch timer.
I hope you all find that bit of geeky info interesting!