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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-24

I remember at the start of the season when the rapids was closed for ‘maintenance’ being assured by someone on here that it was down to legitimate maintenance works and not because it was quite cold and not that busy.

My view on that was I’d guarantee it would open for the Easter weekend; which it did.

It’s now closed again for the cold end of the season.

Of course it could all be for legitimate reasons but it does absolutely smack of them shutting it when they think they can get away with doing so as it’s expensive to run.

I think the problem is a lack of transparency too, I feel like if they just listed that the rapids will only operate in summer seasons or busy periods at least people would know what to expect when coming to the park. Efteling have a rapids ride that they don't operate in the winter season (though I think they wanted to change that) but because they clearly list that people aren't disappointed to find out it's closed when they turn up on the day.
My life get Nemmy back on 2 trains immediately
Christ there’s some real karens on this forum you got anything better to do other than getting on Towers back whenever rides are down
Three days, but it's ok, relapses happen. Just know that we're all here for you, we know you can do better and one day you'll get there.
Precisely. Downtime happens at every park around the world and regardless of the number of engineers it is unavoidable. Now I understand things can go wrong with the ride vehicles however do the park not have parts for anything that could go wrong? Unless it’s a rare and unexpected issue and therefore they have to wait for a part to be delivered, the park should be prepared with the necessary spare parts surely
Precisely. Downtime happens at every park around the world and regardless of the number of engineers it is unavoidable. Now I understand things can go wrong with the ride vehicles however do the park not have parts for anything that could go wrong? Unless it’s a rare and unexpected issue and therefore they have to wait for a part to be delivered
Downtime is unavoidable to an extent. One could argue, however, that having more engineering staff employed, or having engineering staff deployed more efficiently, can reduce downtime or make it less likely to occur.

If inspections and such happen more frequently, problems can be detected and resolved before they become significant downtime incidents, and any downtime that does occur can be resolved more quickly.
The mental gymnastics here are mind-blowing. The implication that a problem resulting in Nemesis being closed for the past week would somehow be more excusable than a problem resulting in it being open (but on reduced capacity) is clearly absurd.