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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-24

Much more value to go to a proper run theme park abroad these days.

I only visit Towers on off peak days, but if they’re going to treat guests with such distain, it’s getting to the point I’ll want to vote with my feet and not give them any business.

Barring some miraculous turnaround when we visit next week i think we'll be going to Plopsaland instead going forth. Pretty much same journey time but currently all rides operating and all on 5 minute queues. A more expensive trip certainly but seems you get what you pay for (and a functional RAP system).
I don't see why people are so desperate to make excuses for the parks poor decisions.
I am neither desperate nor making excuses. I presented an objective, factual point for consideration.

I dislike a partial offer as much as the next person - it's not befitting of the UK's number one theme park.

With the staggered opening times, and the newly announced queue-close-before-park-close (unheard of in the 20 years I have been a regular), the overall impression is of both poor management and contempt for the guest experience.

The product (a day at Towers) is being eroded, and consumers (the guests) are being forced to pay more for less. This will, and I am sure already has, drive people to change the way they choose to spend their time and money. Why buy a MAP / day ticket / overnight stay at a Resort with a reduced offer, when you can save your money and go elsewhere to feel far more valued as a guest?

I say all of this, having had a number of good visits to the park and Resort this year (four overnight stays and multiple days on park) with very little experience of poor ride availability and lengthy queues. I am fortunate enough to not have to visit during weekends and school holidays, and feel for those who have no choice about that.
Can’t see how the management survive this season. I would be amazed if we don’t see some further changes at the top after this.

Rather than fix the issues they have (oblivion one station/Nemesis one train) yet again they make the customer suffer by opening rides late and closing them earlier.

Not fit to open for business. Shameful.
Can’t see how the management survive this season. I would be amazed if we don’t see some further changes at the top after this.

Rather than fix the issues they have (oblivion one station/Nemesis one train) yet again they make the customer suffer by opening rides late and closing them earlier.

Not fit to open for business. Shameful.
Quite the opposite. They'll have been told to save money, and saving money they are - job well done.
Can’t see how the management survive this season. I would be amazed if we don’t see some further changes at the top after this.

Rather than fix the issues they have (oblivion one station/Nemesis one train) yet again they make the customer suffer by opening rides late and closing them earlier.

Not fit to open for business. Shameful.

It’s not a football club, you don’t give a manager team 1 year only to fix things.

Not saying Bianca will fix anything, just that this won’t lead to a major change. Although Dan has alluded to something going on around the structure at Merlin.
It’s no different to what Thorpe have done with Hyperia all year and could well be caused at least partially by opening time restrictions enforced by the local council.
There aren’t, as far as I’m aware, any restrictions on closing times of attractions, or certainly any that have been reason for the park to close queue lines early in previous years. This just appears to be another management decision at the expense of the guests.

It's all a bit of a mess, and all of their own making. So much for a change of management at Merlin and Alton Towers making a difference. It's back to the ways of old and then some.

Agreed. Some of the decisions this year, which are very clearly made at Resort-level (see for example, closing the Guest Services queue), are possibly some of the worst we have ever seen. Contrary to what we hear via the continued spin from the park, guest experience really does appear to be entirely expendable. It’s just a shame quarters blindly believed the propaganda.
Oh dear… four coasters are currently closed by the looks of things:
Galactica and Spinball on 50 isn’t too bad, I guess, but Nemesis and Wicker Man look to be taking the brunt of the crowds this evening.

It looks like a rough night at Alton tonight… 4 coasters closed isn’t ideal on a busy Scarefest day.