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TS Official Meet Calendar 2024


TS Team
Favourite Ride
Steel Vengeance, Cedar Point
Ladies and gentleman, as promised, I give you all our 2024 Official Meet Calendar!

Following team discussion and analysis of our 2023 community survey, our 2024 meets will bring about some slight tweaks to make them more inclusive to new members whilst retaining the core 'unique selling point' of our meets as informal, social occasions. We want to bring about more engagement for you all before a meet, during the meet and afterwards too. Myself or another member of the team will be posting more about that in advance of the new season - sometime during February. For now, though, there are couple of tweaks that I can tell you about right away.

Firstly, we'll be scrapping a meeting time and replacing it with a meeting window. For many years, we've shared a meeting time and let's be honest, only on rare occasions have we actually managed to make our way at the specified time because people arrive late ("I am just passing JCB" is the classic quote which actually means I am somewhere on the M1). This has led to some people meeting on time, and waiting around for ages when they want to get onto some rides at the start of the day - especially as people may have gotten up early to be there on time. So, there'll now be a half hour window where you can meet up, chat, grab a coffee and get ready for the day ahead. If you are later than the meeting window times, then you'll be able to communicate on the day using one of our social media platforms (more details to come). On top of this, we hope to bring back the mid-afternoon photo! This was long a staple of our meets pre-Covid, and like free park maps at Alton Towers it's not (yet) returned. Well - we're leading the way and hope Alton Towers follow suit (with the free park maps, that is).

Further information for each meet will be shared around 1 month in advance, including the meet up window and location... but the core details required can be found below. And because we're so nice, the topics for the Voltron meet at Europa-Park are already up and we've given you a little bit of extra information for opening, as it's only 6 1/2 weeks away from the time this calendar was posted.

2024 Calendar

Saturday, 16th March 2024: Alton Towers Opening Meet at... the clue's in the name

Meet Up Window: 8.30-9.00am in the lounge area next to the Coffee Portal at Alton Towers Hotel
We'll be heading into the park at 9.00am via the main entrance regardless of accommodation so that everyone is included. No doubt we'll head straight over to Nemesis before heading through the likes of Gloomy Wood and Katanga Canyon - hitting a few rides on the way. The day will be informal, but we'll share a meeting point for a group photo on the day - most likely around 3pm. No doubt we'll hit a ride or two towards the end of the day as it turns to night with the fantastic opening day hours until 8pm! Maybe we'll Feed the Flames before riding Nemesis. Further details and discussion topic to follow in February.

Saturday, 30th March to Thursday, 4th April 2024: EuropaStreet's Voltron Voyage at Europa-Park
Details of our first International Meet in years are now out - and you can join the discussion here. With this meet taking place overseas, the format is somewhat different to our 1 or 2-day UK meets. We strongly suggest that if you are coming on this meet that you have either been on one of our meets before, are known to the group otherwise or come to our opening weekend meet at Alton Towers if you are new.

Saturday, 15th June 2024: Hyperia Hysteria at Thorpe Park
You can join the fun at Thorpe Park as we return for our first official meet at the park in some years. A meet-up window will be released nearer the time, and a mini-meet to Legoland Windsor will take place the following day. Get your calendar marked!

POSTPONED TO 2025: Drayton Double Header at Alton Towers & Drayton Manor Park
Unfortunately, at this time we have no knowledge as to when the new family rollercoaster will open. We're hoping some time in late spring or summer. Once this is known, what we can promise is a double header weekend with Alton Towers on the Saturday and Drayton Manor Park on the Sunday... or possibly the other way around. It really depends, honest.

Saturday, 14th September 2024: TS Oktoberfest Meet at Alton Towers
What can we say? Our Oktoberfest meet has fast become a staple and is one of the annual highlights. Raise a glass and say prost!

Saturday, 9th/Sunday, 10th November 2024: TS Fireworks at Alton Towers
We always finish the season with a bang at Alton Towers!
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Looks good to me. :) Only think I'm surprised about is the lack of a Scarefest meet.
Looks good to me. :) Only think I'm surprised about is the lack of a Scarefest meet.
Scarefest is a difficult one as it's hard to pin down a preferred date for everyone for an event that takes places over 4 whole weekends this year. Some may want to go for the busier weekends, others for quieter times. With the proximity of Oktoberfest and Fireworks, we felt it's better for people organise their own mini meets for this over the duration of the event this year. If one ends up with a hefty planned attendance, maybe we'll look to switch it to an official meet.

As Dan says, our aim this year is to make it easier for people on meets this year, and we're hoping to do that for mini meets too :)
Hopefully I can make the local events. Towers and Drayton. Would be nice to meet you all in person this year! I’ve always been a but reserved socially so let’s break that trend. Let’s hope the bike doesn’t run out of fuel like it did at scarefest 😂😂
Unfortunately, due to the later-than-we-expected opening of Gold Rush at Drayton Manor Park, we've decided to postpone our meet to 2025. We simply do not have time to fit in an Alton Towers/Drayton Manor official meet between now and next month, given our Oktoberfest takes place in September.

Watch this space for DMP 2025!