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Universal Studios Osaka - Super Nintendo World - September 2024


TS Member
Well, i made it! Fittingly it was a rollercoaster of an experience.

A few general notes first:

- This park is hard work! The heat is utterly overwhelming and the crowds are insane. This wasn't a particularly busy day either but many of the main attractions had 2 hour queues all day. But...
- Park hours were 830am till 930pm!!! Imagine that! 2 hour queues are a lot more acceptable when you have a 13 hour day *cough Merlin cough*
- I know over-employment is a thing in Japan but my god the amount of staff in this park is insane. I'm not exaggerating, it must be into 4 figures. My favourite example was after dark, there's a long forest path into Hogwarts with fog machines and literally every 5m max there's a member of staff guiding you with a torch. So here alone you probably had more staff than an entire Merlin park (sorry, will stop the bashing from here on).

We actually didn't arrive at the park till just before 11am. We had Nintendo World booked for 1120am and with the jetlag and heat decided having breakfast and not rushing was for the best.

There was a short queue at the area and then we were in!

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It was already pretty busy and everyone is trying to get their content or standing around gawking so i did both. We went straight to the Mushroom restaurant to get a reservation but they didn;t have one till 245pm! We said yes anyway and figured we'd take our time as this was the main reason for the visit (or so i thought, more on that later). We also had Express Passes which i bought for 7 rides so wasn't worried about running out of time (more on that later too).

Then we headed straight to the Mario Kart ride in Bowsers Castle:


Just to say, the theming everywhere is sublime. You are in Super Mario. Everything looks flawless, from the way the coins rotate and the shells move, it's all been created to perfection.

Here is the queuing area inside which we mostly bypassed but did still get to see a fair bit of .Very cool.


Above is just after the merge point where everyone gets given these mario kart hats to wear and then there's a pre-show explaining how the ride works. It's in Japanese but has English text. Once on the ride, there's a magnetic pair of glasses you attach to the hat which brings up an AR display. You turn your head to aim at things and then there's a steering wheel with buttons which you press to shoot weapons.

As an aside, the queues were somewhat baffling. There were typically 4 lines on all the big rides and i couldn't quite figure out how they were batching because you were still asked how many when you reached the car. They might have just been double checking you had been batched correctly. Again there were so many staff everywhere. You had your Express pass checked several times on route on each ride.

Inside it was on 2 stations, which was the first time i've witnessed this at a theme park (technically Baron at Efteling has this i think but you can't see the stations. Actually The Mummy at Singapore had it too but only one was open).

Anyway, the ride itself is really fun! It's a bit overwhelming as there's just so much going on. My only gripe, which i remember TPWW mentioning, is there are some really cool set pieces but you barely get to see them as you're having AR flashing everywhere and trying to score points. But it works so well and is really fun. I got the top score too so was happy with that.

Oh which reminds me, my friends insisted we get the wrist-bands and boy was i glad we did! More on that later too but suffice to say your score from this ride was added to it.

Next we went on Yoshi:

This was probably the worst ride of the day. You get a nice view of the area and there's a couple of very short set pieces but overall feels like a wasted opportunity for a proper childrens dark ride. Was also very hot, like everything and i felt like a complete dork in a car on my own but better than being put with a family! It was part of the Express Pass but waiting an advertised 80 minutes for it would have been ridiculous.

After this, we went round the area finding the challenges. These are games you play from Mario, like hitting shells into blocks, matching the blocks etc. You can just watched other people do it, which is what i was recommended to do BUT when you do it with the wristband you get points. If you complete enough of the challenges then you a key, if you get 3 keys.... there is a secret attraction!!!!!!

This is utterly insane as a concept. I've never seen anyone mention it and i imagine most people miss it because of the language barrier.

Now it does have a queue time so perhaps people do notice it but i think once you're inside the area you can't buy the wrist-bands strangely. I might be wrong on that though. Anyway, the idea is to beat Bowser Jr. I'll put in a spoiler what happens in case people want the surprise!

You go into a building and are assigned a number. Then you stand on a spot and you get projected onto a screen as a character. Then you have to throw bombs, dodge bullets, jump etc. It's so cool, again it works brilliantly!

Now here was where things started to get tricky. We still had 90 minutes till our reservation and had pretty much done everything. And it was so hot i was starting to get heatstroke. But we figured we might never be back so lets keep the reservation and just spend the time alternating between the shops which had cooling AC. The merch was amazing, just endless well made bits of anything you could imagine and plenty you couldn't. A dream if you wanted to spend.

Finally it was time for our reservation. Inside was a little underwhelming. It was nicely themed but it was very much a cafe in the style of Vampire Kitchen. The food was very nice though and also themed:IMG_4398.JPG

It's a nice place to eat but i wouldn't wait hours to go in there.

Might start a new post now as i'm worried this won't upload...
Now it was time to leave Nintendo World. Flying Dinosaur was my other big appeal at the park but we'd just eaten so we headed to Minions first which was closest.

I really didn't like this side of the park. It felt like USA USA, which i get but just doesn't appeal to me at all. Definitely hope there's nothing like that at Universal UK.

The ride itself was quite cool. You have three pre-shows, they're all kind of fun and then it's basically a gigantic cinema screen with simulators. It feels a little dated in terms of video quality and was actually a little rough too but my son would have loved it.

After this was where things took a turn for a worse.

Now when we walked past Jurassic Park 30 minutes earlier it looked like this:


But now there were a few clouds approaching. We headed to the ride, which was still operating but there were staff at the gate stopping people entering the area. My friends started panicking and saying we need to take cover but it wasn't even raining yet! All the staff were packing away stalls and shops but i said let's go to Harry Potter as the ride is indoors. Big mistake! As we approached the heavens opened and the lightning began. At first it was a nice relief from the heat but then it got ridiculous. Staff were everywhere telling people to take shelter. We stopped nearby and i checked the app.... all the rides were now closed! Even the indoor attractions!!! I just couldn't fathom this. My friends reasoning was they stop them in case of a power cut so people aren't stuck on the rides, which i supposed makes sense.

Kept missing the lightning which was a shame:


We stood around for about an hour and i was very much aware that time was no longer on our side. The rain started to ease and i kept running over to check Harry Potter. Finally a short queue started forming so we figured we could get on quickly. But then as soon as it opened, the time shot up to 60 minutes. Evidently everyone inside at the time had been waiting throughout, doh! We weren't allowed to use our Express Pass either as it had an allotted time slot an hour later.

So i said lets try Flying Dinosaur again, hopefully it will open by the time we get there and our Express Pass has no time. We strolled other, by which point i was completely drenched and the staff were still at the gate not letting people in. So i said lets wait 10 minutes to see and lo and behold, it started testing with empty trains. Meanwhile a crowd was gathering (of which we were the front) and the staff were imploring people to leave, the ride will not be opening, go to other indoor attractions. But i'm no Thoosie Noob, i know what testing means. And after 6 trains, a train left with people on it! Again the queue must have remained. Still the staff were asking people to leave but i stood my ground and after 4 trains, the gates were open!!

We ran straight in! The queue is bizarre, it's more like an airport. You enter and have to put all your stuff in a locker, then you have to show your pockets are empty, then you go through a metal detector and finally you have a wand waved over you! Dozens of staff, serious business!

Side note i forgot. The endless enthusiasm of the staff is something to behold, especially in Nintendo World in the blistering heat, always laughing and smiling and waving. Amazing.

Right, here we go. I was actually really nervous after some people mentioned how intense this was and as soon as the train put you in position my heart was pounding. The only other flying coaster i've been on is Superman in Atlanta (the first ever one i believe) that i was coincidentally there for over 20 years ago so can't really remember.

Oh. My. God.

I've never experienced anything like this. The massive head first dive into a tunnel and vertically up out of it. It was pure rollercoaster crack. It was the greatest feeling i've ever had on a rollercoaster. Did i mention it was in the dark at this point too? I'm getting withdrawal symptoms, i need more of this. Is there more? Do i have to fly to Japan every year? Absolutely brilliant. Worth the price of entry alone.

Finally it was time to head back to Harry Potter. As i mentioned, now it was dark and so the halloween action was beginning. The camera on my iPhone is bonkers but i assure you it was pitch black at this point and you could barely see where you were going in this area:IMG_4416.JPGIMG_4417.JPG

This ride was brilliant. I think it's the same one as Orlando? Again, the theming in the queue line was outstanding (only the chaotic school locker room lets it down, really need a manned bag drop imo, not like they don't have the staff!). It's basically my sons dream ride, a combination of Sky Lion and Vampire. I don't even understand how it works and tbh that's quite nice. Some of it does feel a little dated, especially the quality of the screens but a small blemish. Really hope we get an updated version of this in the UK.

90 minutes left and we headed to the Harry Potter rollercoaster. However, because of the earlier delay there was a 30 minute Express Pass queue so we decided to head to Hollywood Dream first.

This was fine, a nice enough coaster but didn't seem like anything special. Didn't see the restriction but very much a 1.2m ride imo. It also had extremely loud onboard audio blasting an assortment of J-Pop which seemed unnecessary. Was running on 4 trains and 2 stations which seemed impressive though there were usually 2 trains backed up on the brakes. 1 of 4 trains runs backwards so somewhat unavoidable i think.

By this point we were exhausted and hungry. I figured the Harry Potter rollercoaster was going to be even less impressive than this but we saw Jaws had a 10 minute queue so decided to end the day with that instead. This was fun, very old school but a nice story driven ride and the actor driving the boat, like all the staff was fantastic!

In the end we missed a few rides. Jurassic Park boat ride was closed (though weirdly testing). Demon Slayer never dropped below 120 minutes. The 4D cinemas (there are a few) had Halloween things on but generally 40 minute queues which didn't seem like the best use of time.

Overall and TL:DR

- It's both a brilliant park and a difficult park. If you only have one day, you need an Express Pass and you need to get there for opening if you want to go on everything.
- Nintendo World was wonderful. Bit sad Donkey Kong wasn't open but perhaps a reason to go back.... with of course the other reason being:

Just a little bonus note, i was walking around yesterday and randomly stumbled across one of the biggest rollercoasters in the world 😂


I actually went on this shortly after it opened in 2004 but haven't been back since (and kind of forgot it existed). I didn't think it was running but after about 15 minutes walking round a full train went up! Operations seemed abysmal and it was 36 degrees so no chance i was queueing for that.

Insane that it's randomly in the middle of the city. The equivalent would have been building Hyperia next to Wembley Stadium in London. It goes through buildings too, a ridiculous ride.
Flying Dinosaur seems like an amazing ride. I'm glad that you enjoyed Super Nintendo World, as it does look like it is an interesting area with quite a lot to do.
Flying Dinosaur seems like an amazing ride. I'm glad that you enjoyed Super Nintendo World, as it does look like it is an interesting area with quite a lot to do.

As long as you get into the interactive aspects and immersion then it's really fun. It does also feel like a lot of untapped potential. Obviously the Donkey Kong area is opening at some point but there could be so many rides from the Nintendo IP. Perhaps one day there will be.