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What attractions would you add?


TS Member
Favourite Ride
Blue Fire
I thought it could stir some debate here as to what attractions we feel are missing or could be added to the park to make it even more special than it already is.

For ease this includes types of flat rides / rollercoasters or dark rides that you’ve seen somewhere else and think could add value to the park.

With that in mind, I’d suggest a drop tower. I think the park would benefit from two of these (one launch and one drop tower) and perhaps we could put them inside the towers at EuroMir when it gets removed / refurbed.
Has to be an inverted coaster for me. I think with Mack’s innovation & theming they could do something really special with that.
I’d suggest a drop tower. I think the park would benefit from two of these (one launch and one drop tower) and perhaps we could put them inside the towers at EuroMir when it gets removed / refurbed.
There is already three drop towers at Europa Park, Tower Tow in Ireland and two Poppy Towers in Arthur, but I get where you are coming from.
Has to be an inverted coaster for me. I think with Mack’s innovation & theming they could do something really special with that.

One of the things I like about Europa Park, is none of the rides have an OTSR, so if they could come up with an inverted ride system with the BlueFire\Voltron\Arthur seats, I would be up for that. The issue with Inverted coasters is you lose than openness (no head choppers for example) that you get with Wodan, BlueFire and Voltron. What benefit does going for an inverted approach give you?

The upcoming years has some nice additions (These are just dates I have put in, and are probably wrong)
2025 is the new games centre
2026 is the replacement for Euromir
2027 is the The Rocking Boat expansion in Croatia

So moving forward from 2028, I would like to see a duelling attraction. Whether its two coasters, or two different ride types. I like the idea of using the Mack seat technology, and making stuff happen to the winning or losing team. Seats vibrate, or train spins. Maybe instead of water guns, you have laser guns, which trigger sensors on the train to do something, similar to above.

Maybe a new Romania area with a Transylvania theme (It would allow them to push there MackMedia IP a little as well with Monster Family), with a trackless ride going through a castle, shooting the monsters, and as part of the coaster launch, the trackless riders could shot the train as it waits to launch out, and that triggers different actions. Maybe chuck the drop towers in there as well, and when the targets are hit by the trackless riders, it causes the drop to kick in, with different seat positions (Tilt forward, no tilt).
One gyro swing please.

Put it in the Croatia expansion. The spokes on the disc would nicely suit a Tesla invention feel. You could have it swinging out over the water they’d need to build to install the Rocking Boat.
Probably a controversial opinion but I think they should build a third monorail
They will. Between Rulantica and the Hotel entrance of Europa-Park.

Personally I would not like an open „amusement park style“ flat ride because it would reduce immersion. My suggestion: Themed drop tower „Tower of Terror“-Style in the next land near Croatia (rumored to be Romania).
I personally believe that a couple of thrilling flat rides if well themed could really add to Europa Park

I would say a Gyro Swing, S&S Screaming Swing, Top Spin style ride and some form of Drop Tower could really add to the park.

Something with Talocan's theming could be rather effective at Europa Park.
The only real gap is thrill flats, for their year round opening more dark rides would be good (they have a good range already but more would help that part of the season).