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Where Are They Now?


TS Member
Interesting post popped up on my Facebook, a waltzer at Towers in the 80's which has had a variety of owners and locations since... and is now on Clacton Pier! Its quite near me, I'll have to get a ride on it one day.



Got me thinking, does anyone know the current location of any other rides which have spent time at Towers? We all know where Thunder Looper and the Black Hole are, but what about the smaller rides which have passed through over the years?
That's got to be the second ugliest Waltzer I've ever seen.

I think the Gravitron went to ... Adventure Island? Fantasy Island? Something ending in "island", at any rate.
That's got to be the second ugliest Waltzer I've ever seen.

I think the Gravitron went to ... Adventure Island? Fantasy Island? Something ending in "island", at any rate.

I thought it had ended up in the USA now? I love Gravitrons, I don't know the location of any in the UK now, not seen one for years.
Interesting post popped up on my Facebook, a waltzer at Towers in the 80's which has had a variety of owners and locations since... and is now on Clacton Pier! Its quite near me, I'll have to get a ride on it one day.

They've got their date wrong there. The Maxwell Waltzer was at Alton Towers in 1979.
I was reading yesterday that the Black Hole moved to Sweden, but was put up for sale in 2021. Does anyone know what happened after?
Interesting post popped up on my Facebook, a waltzer at Towers in the 80's which has had a variety of owners and locations since... and is now on Clacton Pier! Its quite near me, I'll have to get a ride on it one day.



Got me thinking, does anyone know the current location of any other rides which have spent time at Towers? We all know where Thunder Looper and the Black Hole are, but what about the smaller rides which have passed through over the years?

That's fascinating! The journey of amusement park rides can be quite a story. For more information on where specific rides from Alton Towers have ended up, you might want to check enthusiast forums like Theme Park Review or CoasterForce. They often track the movements and histories of rides across different parks and locations. Need help with your coursework? I recommend https://stateofwriting.com/uk/coursework-writing-service Their writers are professional and deliver high-quality work. The service is reliable, and the prices are affordable. If you need help with your coursework, give them a try. You won't be disappointed!
It the deal still on?
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I thought it had ended up in the USA now? I love Gravitrons, I don't know the location of any in the UK now, not seen one for years.
From memory I think it went:
Alton Towers
Flamingo Land (briefly)
Pleasure Island
and is now at the famous Barry Island where I think it still operates.

It may have had some other homes inbetween though.
I know rides aren't sentient beings (we think) but its nice to think about how far some coasters travel to live out the rest of their mechanical lives. A wee coaster from Alton now living out in Pennsylvania. They grow up so fast.
From memory I think it went:
Alton Towers
Flamingo Land (briefly)
Pleasure Island
and is now at the famous Barry Island where I think it still operates.

It may have had some other homes inbetween though.
A few of Towers castoffs went to Pleasure Island I believe, including 1001 nights?

Am I imagining the fountain show also moving there…? Hazy memories of my yesteryears!
A few of Towers castoffs went to Pleasure Island I believe, including 1001 nights?

Am I imagining the fountain show also moving there…? Hazy memories of my yesteryears!
That would not surprise me, the fountain show was put up for sale at the same time as the Graviton and Astroglide, both of which ended up at Pleasure Island.

In probably the strangest onwards journey from Alton Towers, the Astroglide is now supposed to be in Iraq at Baghdad Island Park.
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Mini Apple went to Yarmouth after finishing its time in the Land of Make Believe. Every time I see one I wonder if it's that one. According to RCDB it's still in Yarmouth tho, so I guess when I've looked at the Yarmouth one it has indeed been that one.

Beastie is in Barry according to the same source.

Dynamo and Boneshaker were sold off to Mondial, who refurbished both - I think the Break Dance went on the fair circuit but I'd imagine it's probably snuffed it by now. I think the Supernova was thought to have gone to a Spanish park.

Submission was scrapped I think? Ripsaw was salvaged for spares for Chessington and the rest scrapped. Enterprise was a bit of a trigger's broom having been kept alive with parts from the original Zodiac for years. I don't know if parts were sent south to keep the newer Zodiac going, but it certainly didn't look like it was being taken apart with a view to being salvaged.

Ug Swinger/Twirling Toadstool was sat in the ride graveyard where Horizon is going for years. I'm guessing it's been cleared by now tho?