TS Member
Shareholder owned Merlin you're talking about. True, more often than not a leopard never changes its spots, but now they're privately owned let's be positive, give them the benefit of the doubt and see if things improve over the next few years now they don't have to answer to shareholders.Mate, this is Merlin we're talking about. They can barely fathom the concept of non essential maintenance unfortunately
They'll most likely leave it to rot over time and gather dust.
I personally don't think it's a coincidence that over the last 2 years (last year especially) their entertainment and event offerings have improved drastically since they've become private.
Back to Wicker Man though, and the fact they've improved what's on the screens, done stuff in the preshow (good or bad I don't know yet not seen it for myself) and done stuff on the station with the lights on the exit wall shows that they do seem to care about it.