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Wicker Man - General Discussion - Part Two

It's crazy to think that Wickerman essentially sits on what was The Flume's station and queue line, with most of the layout (of what was once the world's longest log flume) unbuilt on.

Totally agree, the lake too. You would never know a lake even existed now. I always liked the fact that the turnaround near the entrance of the ride, roughly follows the footprint of what was the station of The Flume.
Hypothetical question: can us scum access the woods where the old flume was? It's not an active ride area, so I don't see how safety would be an issue. But I can also see how taking a single step off an official path would get you rugby tackled by security jobsworths. I'm sure you could make an argument that if there's no moving machinery, it is part of the gardens, thus we should be able to wander. 🤣
I don't think you'd be able to without actively ignoring no entry signs and/or fences etc. Physically I think you'd be able to (probably from near the end of Haunted Hollow towards Curse) but you'd probably have to hop a waist-height gate. Although saying this I genuinely havn't looked at doing it so I could be wrong.