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Wicker Man - General Discussion - Part Two

the media will blow it way out of proportion as they do with any theme park related incident.
that and people will hear it and probably get paniced thinking it may happen to them (it won't) but lets say it was someone dropping their phone and the train ran over it puncturing the battery causing it to smoke, we all know that this is an extremely rare occurance and it is unlikely to happen again, but your average person will think about how such a "small" thing of someone bringing a phone on a ride can cause it to potentially cach fire and think it will happen again.
I wasn't saying it didn't happen, it just seemed like everyone was going for that theory, when there are probably quite a few more posibilities.
I went for it earlier as the most obvious likelihood but could be anything as said. My theory is based on me driving an EV and people telling me on social media every 5 minutes that my car is going to do a Hindenberg if I even brake too sharply.

Like everything else Merlin we will likely never find out unless all of a sudden some new signs sprout up at the queue lines telling us something is forbidden.
Like everything else Merlin we will likely never find out unless all of a sudden some new signs sprout up at the queue lines telling us something is forbidden.
Like everything else with every other company. A hypothetical incident happens at Disney, the park clams up and doesn't give a running monologue on it. Paulton's would be the same, Drayton, Universal, any other park operator for that matter.

Your iPhone starts dropping calls; Apple clams up, denies there's a problem, says you're holding it wrong. Phones start bending; nothing to see here. Suicides happen at their outsourced manufacturer; no idea what you're on about.

The only entities which have to be publicly accountable are government agencies, and even then as little information as possible is given out. I'm not sure where the idea that Merlin is the only entity which isn't transparent comes from, but it's clearly not true and is a little unfair. There are plenty of other things they do to take a pop at.
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Like everything else Merlin we will likely never find out unless all of a sudden some new signs sprout up at the queue lines telling us something is forbidden.
I don't think it is merlin, I think all theme parks would do the same, the only one that probably wouldn't is bpb, and that is because Amanda would have tweeted something.

As an update, they are erecting a scaffold structure arround that area, so it will probably not be back for a little while
As an update, they are erecting a scaffold structure arround that area, so it will probably not be back for a little while
I mean, depending on complexity scaffolding can be erected, work carried out and dismantled in the same day, so this isn't really any indication of the length of closure.

In fact if anything, the fact that it's appeared on a Sunday suggests work is being expedited to open as quickly as possible.
I mean, depending on complexity scaffolding can be erected, work carried out and dismantled in the same day, so this isn't really any indication of the length of closure.

In fact if anything, the fact that it's appeared on a Sunday suggests work is being expedited to open as quickly as possible.
Yeah, but i think that if it needs scaffolding it probably isn't too quick of a job, (I am thinking days not weeks) but also there will probably be some period of testing if it is serious enough to need scaffolding.
Yeah, but i think that if it needs scaffolding it probably isn't too quick of a job, (I am thinking days not weeks) but also there will probably be some period of testing if it is serious enough to need scaffolding.
Scaffolding has nothing to do with the size of the job, or what's required, or how serious it is, it's entirely about ensuring the health and safety of those working on site. Workers will need a stable platform, large enough for any tools or materials they need, and strong enough to support what they need. It will also provide easier and quicker access from ground level. The location where the incident happened isn't exactly the easiest to access.
Scaffolding has nothing to do with the size of the job, or what's required, or how serious it is, it's entirely about ensuring the health and safety of those working on site. Workers will need a stable platform, large enough for any tools or materials they need, and strong enough to support what they need. It will also provide easier and quicker access from ground level. The location where the incident happened isn't exactly the easiest to access.
Yeah, I guess I should explain my thinking:
They need up close access to the track this is normally because of inspection or replacment of parts, from what I have seen they are putting it up quick, but it dosnt look like it will be done for a few hours then they have to preform the work, which if it is a quick inspection would be a few hours, then dismantle it again.

i could see the work being done for tomorrow if they dismantle it through the night and the work to be done is only a few hours, but if they are replacing a part or doing a close inspection they will probably want to do some testing which would probably take quite a while so at best it won't be open for a little while (a couple days including today)
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Yeah, I guess I should explain my thinking:
They need up close access to the track this is normally because of inspection or replacment of parts, from what I have seen they are putting it up quick, but it dosnt look like it will be done for a few hours then they have to preform the work, which if it is a quick inspection would be a few hours, then dismantle it again.

i could see the work being done for tomorrow if they dismantle it through the night and the work to be done is only a few hours, but if they are replacing a part or doing a close inspection they will probably want to do some testing which would probably take quite a while so at best it won't be open for a little while (a couple days including today)
Also, the fact that WM has been added to the ride availability page indicates that it could be down for more than a few days.
Also, the fact that WM has been added to the ride availability page indicates that it could be down for more than a few days.
Nemesis Reborn was on it for a single day recently. Being added to the ride availability page doesn't necessarily indicate a prolonged period of downtime. All it does mean is that the park is aware it's not going to operating on the given day that they list it.
Vapes on rides are unfortunately a common occurrence, and unless something is done people will keep taking them onboard. Last Scarefest I was in the air gates for Rita and the op spotted a guy smoking his vape whilst secured in the seat. A host was instructed to confiscate it before the train could be dispatched.
Vapes on rides are unfortunately a common occurrence, and unless something is done people will keep taking them onboard. Last Scarefest I was in the air gates for Rita and the op spotted a guy smoking his vape whilst secured in the seat. A host was instructed to confiscate it before the train could be dispatched.
I think I hate vapes more than the imperial leather Bubbleworks now…

They saw the black and yellow colour scheme of the ride with the trippy visuals and pounding base and thought it was some sort of giant bee rave...

Season 3 Bee GIF by Nanalan'