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Wicker Man - General Discussion - Part Two

No they wouldn't. Your home LED powered TV may not consume much power but a bright, outdoor professional LED screen will use quite a bit. As a general rule of thumb, they use around 1000 watt per square meter. Sometimes a bit more sometimes a bit less. But they use quite a significant amount of power.

There is a common misconception that LED automatically means low power consumption. This is not true, especially in the professional space. They may be lower power consumption but not always low power consumption.
Every day is a school day! Good knowledge @DistortAMG .
Massive misconception that.

I see someone has already answered why, so won’t explain. But equally even if it was little power - why use it if there is no purpose?
Whether the right attitude or not, when you have a site that has huge power-draw items (i.e. rides...), there's really very little difference to be made by turning off low-draw (in comparison) items. The effort that would go into ensuring you save maybe 0.1% at best of your energy bill isn't worth it.

(Ignoring all eco-responsibilities)
Whether the right attitude or not, when you have a site that has huge power-draw items (i.e. rides...), there's really very little difference to be made by turning off low-draw (in comparison) items. The effort that would go into ensuring you save maybe 0.1% at best of your energy bill isn't worth it.

(Ignoring all eco-responsibilities)

So eco responsibility don’t matter?
As a major employer and business they should be setting an example in sustainability
Don’t see any issues with the post ….its not like it’s permanently closed
It's not permanently closed but it is however currently closed until further notice. I think that the park realised that by having that post talking about rollercoaster week and Wicker Man some people might interpret that as the ride being open again. I think it's the right decision to not feature a ride on their social media posts if it's going to be experiencing some extended downtime.