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[2023] The Curse at Alton Manor

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Remember folks, THIS IS A REFURB. They'd need at least 9 months if they wanted the ride to be entirely different with new stuff just replacing old stuff in every room. The reason the Gruffalo River ride was done so quickly during the closed season was because they boarded a majority of the Bubbleworks sets and just painted over the walls. A lot of the Bubbleworks sets are still there to this day. With Duel/HH, the sets are a bit smaller than bubbleworks outside of the Garden, so if they boarded some unused space up in the ride, it would be quite cramped if you think of it, and I doubt they'd want geir new scenes to be cramped.

I can definitely see a scene in the ride being rethemed to a Dolls house though, but if a dolls house was the rides only theme in every scene of the ride, it would be very underwhelming.
They had 10 months for CATCF, and that was a totally changed boat ride that also had an entirely new ride system in the form of the elevator placed at the end. So I would not rule out a full, comprehensive Duel retheme being doable in 7 months.

I know it's not wholly comparable, but Disney managed to retheme DCA's Tower of Terror to Guardians of the Galaxy in less time than that, and that entailed wholly retheming a huge, near 200ft tall facade.

Energylandia built, tested and opened a massive 200ft RMC in no more time than this refurb is taking, and that was even with half of it being blown down in a storm.

My point is; where there's a will, there's a way.
They had 10 months for CATCF, and that was a totally changed boat ride that also had an entirely new ride system in the form of the elevator placed at the end. So I would not rule out a full, comprehensive Duel retheme being doable in 7 months.
Charlie did suffer from budget cuts to its theme it must be said which really affected it's look though even if that hadn't happened I'm certain that Charlie wouldn't have faired much better as this was right at the end of the Tussauds era and it replaced a beloved dark ride in TT. Not to mention that a quarter or even half of the budget was in just getting the license.

I'm not suspecting that Duel is going to have any budget cuts for it's overhaul though certainly it along with Nemesis are both looking to be perhaps the most ambitious overhauls for existing rides at the park and will be interesting to see the end result.
You do know that rhe elevator scene I CATCF was done in the gutted Doom and Sons warehouse. They didn't need to rip anything out there as it was already gutted at the end of 1993.

Duel simply doesn't have the space for that, and if they somehow did do that, the throughput would be horrendous with a preshow or an all new piece of technology shoehorned in.

And from what I heard a while ago from a few folks online, said that Duels refurb team is quite small, somewhere around 8-15 people he said?

These figures could vary hugely as this was back in September as I can't remember the specific numbers, that and the can't find the tweet.
I had a thought.

Even though @Trooper Looper states that 6 months is not long enough for a full replacement, what if they manufactured the new theming off-site concurrently with the old theming being removed? Based on the Sinister Garden scenery's appearance in The Invitation's queue, as well as the skips seen out the back of Duel with old scenery of some description in them, it would appear that they have wasted no time in ripping out old theming. So if all of the old theming was removed, then surely the only job would be to take the new theming into the building and install it?

As for the comment about the team being small; I assume this referred to the design team. I'd be very surprised if there wasn't an entirely separate construction team, marketing team etc, and I'd imagine that these teams are far bigger.

On a side note, I think CATCF's elevator involved constructing an entirely new, taller side building based on TowersTimes' construction archive for the attraction: https://www.towerstimes.co.uk/histo...ory-construction/#1452369067072-0610097b-b685
I imagine you (the guest) being IN the doll house would work better. If it’s you as doll size going through a house (with everything oversized) none of the existing theming would work and the whole building would need to be gutted.

At least if the idea is you’re shrank to going through a dolls house they can keep a lot of the existing theming and add a few new scenes. To establish you’re being shrank they can easily add a preshow where the indoor queue line stood.
I might create a social media account under the name of "In The Know" and post a load of stuff I just made up about Duel and see if it gets picked up and discussed on here.
I'll throw my lot in to give my 'evidence' of what will be going in and say the Flume duck is going to be in the ride! :p
Remember folks, THIS IS A REFURB. They'd need at least 9 months if they wanted the ride to be entirely different with new stuff just replacing old stuff in every room.

I never realised you had project managed on attraction development before.

Jokes aside. I would have thought they would need much longer than 9 months to be honest.
I never rode the Flume, but given the duck's reputation, I think it would suit the ride perfectly! 🤣
That damn thing gave me nightmares, more so than Duel or Hex. Biggest jump scare Towers ever did for an attraction, and this video shows you how scary it, listen to the damn scream of terror though! 🤣

Imagine tart it up with some scary features and you have pure nightmare fuel there.
Sounds like a good idea all this. Perhaps we’re supposed to be seeing the haunted house from Emily’s perspective, as if she’s escaped from the dolls house?

Could really work if it’s true! If it’s not true, it’s still a great idea!
That damn thing gave me nightmares, more so than Duel or Hex. Biggest jump scare Towers ever did for an attraction, and this video shows you how scary it, listen to the damn scream of terror though! 🤣

Imagine tart it up with some scary features and you have pure nightmare fuel there.

Not too much though, or it'll look like the Scream duck... 😉
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