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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-24

So Rita and Hex are down, Spinball yet to open and Wicker man on 2 trains by the looks of it. Smiler has recently dropped to 3 trains too and Galactica is yet to operate on 3 this year
So Rita and Hex are down, Spinball yet to open and Wicker man on 2 trains by the looks of it. Smiler has recently dropped to 3 trains too and Galactica is yet to operate on 3 this year
What makes you think that Wicker Man is on 2 trains @Ethan?
Because its througput is too high on 3 to reach 90 mins when everything else is like 50. It didn't reach 90 yesterday and it was busier day than today

The other two 1.2m rollercoasters were closed this morning, it’s not a surprise that there would have been a higher number of people heading for Wickerman first thing. Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s on two trains.
Sounds like TH13TEEN is the only major ride being operated to its potential right now to be honest.
In fairness, I haven’t heard of any major issues with Wicker Man’s operations either. It was certainly being operated as well as usual when I was there a couple of weeks ago, anyway.
I think it’s enough to say reliability is poor.

On opening day I waited for Oblivion, only to get to the air gates and have a full ride shutdown happen while tech services headed under the station and lift.

Operations should come above all. I may be able to forgo the poor food offering, vinyl coverings and price hikes if I can actually get on some rides!
Rita eventually opened at around 5.15. Managed to do all rides that were advertised to be open. Start of the day only the smiler and oblivion out of the 6 major coasters were open but all opened in the end. I’ll do a detailed review later on the general discussion section
I'm meant to visiting around the 26th including 2 nights in hotel but I'm thinking of cancelling and waiting a few months as ride availability sounds like its so poor. I also hear the sky ride hasn't opened this season, anyone know when it will? I know the person I'm going with would appreciate that ride (he likes experience rides over thrill rides). What other attractions haven't opened yet this season? Is the Dungeons open yet? I'm also worried because we're going off-season mid-week that things just won'r open as it'll be seen as a quiet/ low season day! Another consideration is my friend is Celiac and needs to eat gluten free - and if some of the food places aren't open we might have a issue on our hands!
I'm meant to visiting around the 26th including 2 nights in hotel but I'm thinking of cancelling and waiting a few months as ride availability sounds like its so poor. I also hear the sky ride hasn't opened this season, anyone know when it will? I know the person I'm going with would appreciate that ride (he likes experience rides over thrill rides). What other attractions haven't opened yet this season? Is the Dungeons open yet? I'm also worried because we're going off-season mid-week that things just won'r open as it'll be seen as a quiet/ low season day! Another consideration is my friend is Celiac and needs to eat gluten free - and if some of the food places aren't open we might have a issue on our hands!

Spinball hasn’t opened yet and is currently listed as ‘opening April’ when exactly in April is anyone’s guess.

There has been no confirmation regarding the Skyride opening date, but a couple of posters have been told July.
I'm meant to visiting around the 26th including 2 nights in hotel but I'm thinking of cancelling and waiting a few months as ride availability sounds like its so poor.
It’s funny, I started typing thoughts on guest confidence in the product in another thread, then stopped!

I’m really sorry to hear you’re feeling uncertain about whether or not go to on your trip because of the reported downtime and general poor park experience. In a sense it is great to be able to make an informed decision, given the information shared here, but it shouldn’t happen in the first place.

I have never held back on booking a trip anywhere because of potential poor availability, and yet it’s hard to ignore the warnings here for Towers.

My theory, for what it’s worth…
Reduced guest confidence
Reduced visits
Reduced revenue
Reduced investment
Reduced guest confidence
Reduced visits
….. repeat ad infinitum until the business owners abandon the sinking ship OR stop stripping back budgets and recognise that you have to speculate to accumulate.

I am, of course, neither a business mogul nor a theme park operations lead. But I think that makes sense??