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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

Operations have been spot on for the most part today. Smiler and wicker man teams dispatching quick as usual, Rita has impressed me recently the dispatches are faster than I can remember for a while. Galactica was on 2 trains 2 stations and its definitely quicker than 1 station. Haven't been on Oblivion as its on 1 station so can't be bothered. Now let's talk about Th13teen. Oh my the operations were incredible. Said 40 mins and I waited less than 20. Queue constantly moving and I have to say best operations on park and far quicker on 3 than it is on 2
Numerous people have now said the ops on Thirteen are pretty stellar so that is positive! Funnily enough it seems like today has probably been one of their best days operationally this season.
Numerous people have now said the ops on Thirteen are pretty stellar so that is positive! Funnily enough it seems like today has probably been one of their best days operationally this season.
It certainly felt like it. Best day that I've been in terms of operations
I'd be interested to see how Galactica with double floor staff on 1 station v 2 stations with normal staff stacks up.
A major concern seems to be the fact that the park opening time seems to be irrelevant. Many rides just seem to open later. It makes the first hour or so on park really bad - as there are already a thousand or two guests in the park before anything is open.

The fact that some rides used to open at 9am for ERT...

Seems Spinball will be opening today. Looks like mutiny bay is only open til 5 too (unless that's just a mistake)
Judging by the app things seem much better today, not on park though and probably just luck.
So when the rides aren't open then the place is a shambles but when they are it's just luck? You guys find every reason to hate on towers. Are you fans or not
So when the rides aren't open then the place is a shambles but when they are it's just luck? You guys find every reason to hate on towers. Are you fans or not
If every single day of the season has had one issue after the other by from what I've heard and seen myself then yes 1 good day indicates that it's luck and not an overnight overhaul of proper maintenance and upkeep.

Let's hope they're getting things back on track, usually I'm not overly critical but from the mold, dirty rides, skyride, ride availability, operations, f&b etc. Things have been going off the rails a bit.
Why are taking something one poster said and applying it to the entire forum?
Because majority on this forum have expressed how bad towers has been this season. Fine that's their opinion but the times I've been ops have been good, good reliability and no breakdowns or closures while I'm waiting in queues. Maybe I catch Towers on the good days but to me reliability hasn't been as bad as made out
Only good thing about Spinball being open is it keeps the queue for wicker man and thirteen down
You used to be such a positive young chap !

Have to say I'm certainly looking forward to getting back on Spinball for the first time in nearly 2 years. Last rode it in September 2019 and haven't rode it during covid because of the single rider rule. Its not a bad little ride and certainly one for a quick queue mid afternoon