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In the future, everyone will be an enthusiast for 15 minutes

It’s the way the internet works these days. You might have a passing interest in Alton Towers for example, watch one YouTube video and then you’re getting recommended every other theme park video from all manner of content creators. Same on Twitter, TikTok and the like. It’s never been easier to fall down rabbit holes.
Not long ago I fell down a youtube hole of "every single model of police phone box, how they differ, and how every Doctor's TARDIS has been wrong in some way." It killed an hour or two, but I wouldn't say it made me geek over the subject.
When I went to Thorpe Park in March, there were a lot of people with theme park tops from different theme parks. There are definitely more theme park geeks now than there were even 5 years ago.
How do you know exactly?
Theme park merch has vastly improved in recent years, in both quality and range.
Previously, I would argue there were just as many thoosies, but they were commonly in plain clothes.
Now they are more identifiable by their attire.
Case closed.

And silly abbreviations...I think teaching in the UK is considered to have the most TLA's...

That is three letter acronyms for the unknowing.
People who walk around the park wearing their MAP on a lanyard look like freaks. The rest of us just enjoy roller coasters while trying to avoid them.

Yes - anyone born pre 2000 is old school though and goes to parks for the love of the rides. Not to get likes in a video. Being brash about what you’ve spent (MAP are expensive after all) portrays an image that this generation have to keep.

Idiotic really. Makes them look like right cretins.

(Before the haters hate, I know this is stereotypical and not all millennials are the same)
Yes - anyone born pre 2000 is old school though and goes to parks for the love of the rides. Not to get likes in a video. Being brash about what you’ve spent (MAP are expensive after all) portrays an image that this generation have to keep.

Idiotic really. Makes them look like right cretins.

(Before the haters hate, I know this is stereotypical and not all millennials are the same)
Maps aren't expensive, they are far too cheap!
A hundred quid to visit every off peak day of the year?
Scrap 'em, or double the prices.
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This is really not a problem, sure there are more enthusiasts, but it is still very niche. Do you know how much people still get picked on for this stuff? Because I can tell you from experience they still bloody do! I’m still embarrassed by it at times!
Fifty years of not giving a shit mate.
Try harder, laugh in their faces.
A hobby that is fun and social...and goes well with beer and junk food.

I specifically choose my hobbies to go with beer….. coasters / theme parks - beer. Golf - beer. Football - beer.
Pub - beer

Going way off topic it seems Gen Z don’t drink beer either. Very odd
This is really not a problem, sure there are more enthusiasts, but it is still very niche. Do you know how much people still get picked on for this stuff? Because I can tell you from experience they still bloody do! I’m still embarrassed by it at times!
Do they? Back in my day you got beaten up if you did well at Maths tests and wore Hi-Tec football boots. Now it seems it's ok, acceptable, and even cool to be a nerd about something? Someone think of the plight of the poor old school bullies. What excuse do they have for nicking someone's dinner money from the behind the bike sheds now?
I specifically choose my hobbies to go with beer….. coasters / theme parks - beer. Golf - beer. Football - beer.
Pub - beer

Going way off topic it seems Gen Z don’t drink beer either. Very odd
One of my favourite conversation starters...
"Oh no...not another golf wanker!"
The majority of elderly thoosies I know personally, as well as being thoosies and fond of the odd beer and full english in 'spoons...golf wankers!
Do they? Back in my day you got beaten up if you did well at Maths tests and wore Hi-Tec football boots. Now it seems it's ok, acceptable, and even cool to be a nerd about something? Someone think of the plight of the poor old school bullies. What excuse do they have for nicking someone's dinner money from the behind the bike sheds now?
I assure you, if you have other interests that don't include sports, god have mercy on your soul. sure it is not quite as bad as it once was (less physical even), I shall give you that, and I am sorry for any experiences anyone may of had, but the underlying feeling of being looked down on for arbitrary reasons is still really degrading over time.

Also, thanks rob for the advice. i really try not to, but i guess i don't have very thick skin
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One of my favourite conversation starters...
"Oh no...not another golf wanker!"
The majority of elderly thoosies I know personally, as well as being thoosies and fond of the odd beer and full english in 'spoons...golf wankers!

Probably one for off the topic but yeh, I’m a golf wanker.
In my defence - it’s not a ‘oh shit I’m nearly 40’ mid life crisis thing, I’ve always played.
I assure you, if you have other interests that don't include sports, god have mercy on your soul. sure it is not quite as bad as it once was (less physical even), I shall give you that, and I am sorry for any experiences anyone may of had, but the underlying feeling of being looked down on for arbitrary reasons is still really degrading over time.

Also, thanks rob for the advice. i really try not to, but i guess i don't have vey thick skin
I wouldn't worry about it mate. Time will come when none of it matters. A large proportion of the people I went to school with got banged up many years ago as part of a drug dealing ring.

All good at football, all had trendy haircuts, all got off with all the fit birds at the back of the coach, all wore their Nike bag over their shoulder with one strap. I now pay taxes to keep them locked away for the public good.
VERY off topic.... I always assumed golf was like fishing: An excuse to get away from "the wife and kids".
Which just makes me (as a non-breeder) sad that so many people are parenting wrong.

But hey, everyone has a hobby.
Given how ridiculous the cost of a pint has gone the last few years when you go to gigs or sporting events maybe gen Z are onto something with not drinking
I'm very much on the borderline of Gen Z/millennial but the cost of alcoholic drinks really does put me off drinking - when it's so much cheaper to grab a coke vs a rum and coke, I know what I'm going to order at a gig vs in the comfort of my own home!

As a side note, I will say that compared to my other hobbies, rollercoasters still seems to lean very male heavy... Disney parks do seem to pick up more of a female audience, but actual rollercoasters themselves are a different story.