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In the future, everyone will be an enthusiast for 15 minutes

Propping up the main point of this thread, I think a lot of traditionally non-nerdy hobbies are getting nerdier too:

Football (xG)
Beer (hazy guava IPAs)
Porno (on computers, not ripped up and stashed in bushes)
Something I’ve been wondering, when did the phrase “on park” to describe a visit to an attraction become a thing instead of something like “at the park”?

“On park” always sounds to me like a work-based phrase a consultant or manager would use to describe being at a location rather than being in an office somewhere else, or a phrase similar to saying that you “in work” on a certain day. I’m wondering if the use of “on park” has spread down to general use amongst enthusiasts from vloggers using it on their videos perhaps?
I'm sure we've been using that phrase for as long as I've been on these forums. I never really questioned it. I suppose it probably does come from people who work at the parks. In other idustries you often hear people ask "are you on-site today?" and so forth.