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Ride Availability/Operations 2022-25

I remember Thorpe park had this exact same issue 5 years ago when I was there for Halloween, they closed down guest services as it was out of hand. It’s nothing new for a Merlin park but ever since I’ve avoided attending weekends during Halloween.

It does have a damaging effect as a business model for regulars but will always attract new guests. Maybe they should limit guest numbers whilst there rides aren’t operating to their best capacity until they get new engineers to cover, however it’s Merlin so Raking in quick profits during there busiest season will continue, like it has done for many years regardless of logic and unsatisfied customers.

They just offer free return or in my case because we had a journalist in the group who was as gong to write and article for the mirror they offered VIP passes with Fast track for all rides. Again this is nothing new Merlin know what there doing they don’t care but i actually do feel sorry for management why are they to blame the issues are our of there hands there not in control of guests numbers. If staff are getting shouted and complained at constantly when they should be going home after late and over worked days (bare in mind there struggling to recruit staff at the moment) I don’t blame them for closing guests services at that point at the end of the night.

People get stressed and don’t now how to project there anger, they will be very aware of the issues but all they can offer is free Return? So they’re better off closing it down when it’s like this and people can just complain online through customer services for free return once calmed down, is the same thing but why should staff put up with it to? If you’re angry and upset after a long day and now it’s dark queuing another ridiculous line again after a day of queuing, that’s just gonna make you more angry and upset getting back home even later than planned, It doesn’t make sense.

This is a Merlin issue not a management or staff issue in my opinion. That doesn’t take away people’s frustrations everyone has the right to feel upset or annoyed with the reliability and operations. But I don’t agree with the online comments towards Bianca again bless her, she probs close to quitting then this park has no hope.
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I don’t blame them for closing guests services at that point at the end of the night.

This is a Merlin issue not a management or staff issue in my opinion. That doesn’t take away people’s frustrations everyone has the right to feel upset or annoyed with the reliability and operations. But I don’t agree with the online comments towards Bianca again bless her, she probs close to quitting then this park has no hope.

After a terrible day out at a park I think everyone should have the right to speak to someone about it. As a paying guest, if you're already annoyed about your day and then go to make a complaint and find that also closed. its just going to make you even more angry. The least they can do is own up to/apologize for the issues and offer a return visit there and then.

I agree with the comments regarding Bianca, I don't think this is her fault. There is only so much you can do with your operational budgets. I doubt she wants to run Oblivion and Galactica on 1 station on a busy Scarefest Saturday, or open up a load of rides late, close the rapids etc. But if you're not given the budget to do that then thats what shes forced to do ...
Closing guest services and hiding behind a “free return” is an appalling stance to take and a slap in the face to paying guests. The staff that are on minimum wage absolutely do not deserve the backlash that would’ve happened but management should’ve been in there trying to put out as many fires as possible, saving face & being wholly apologetic. After all, that is their job… to manage.

As a hospitality manager, I cannot even fathom treating customers this way.

As it stands, the whole business is rotten from the top down, what a crying shame. 😢
Closing guest services and hiding behind a “free return” is an appalling stance to take and a slap in the face to paying guests. The staff that are on minimum wage absolutely do not deserve the backlash that would’ve happened but management should’ve been in there trying to put out as many fires as possible, saving face & being wholly apologetic. After all, that is their job… to manage.

As a hospitality manager, I cannot even fathom treating customers this way.

As it stands, the whole business is rotten from the top down, what a crying shame
Whilst when Bianca first arrived at Towers, there were hopeful signs that she wanted to turn things around.

It is fast looking like she is turning things around to where she hails from - down under. Never thought I would see the dreaded days of Tussauds 2003-2005 returning.
Let's see how they get on today shall we...

I mean everyone to their own and everyone has the right to feel the way they do. But you wouldn’t catch me queuing for guest services at the end of the night after a tragic day of Ques especially if I had Kids. I’ll be frustrated as it is and I wouldn’t want to take it out on the staff which I’ve seen many people do unfortunately not just at Towers at Thorpe Park many times.
I’d rather just gather my emotions and just send a complaint form the following day save time, effort and can head of back home earlier and get to sleep. What use does queing to complain at guest services for the same end result?

But i understand the argument of there that there should be the option, however by the sounds of it staff would have to stay ridiculous late outside of there work hours by the looks of it. It’s a tricky one when the system in place is buggered to start with.

like I said this is Merlin and it been happening for years at there parks during Halloween and I’ve experienced this exact same dilemma at Thorpe with the park at full capacity, several ride closures and a ridiculous queue for guest services until they decided to close it.

This is nothing new and Its has nothing to do with Bianca. Merlin will continue to do this unfortunately as 5 years later there no change here?
I've seen some ridiculous scenes in guest services over the years, with parents embarrassing themselves in front of their kids over one or two rides being shut.

Sometimes you've just got to write these things off and vote with your feet rather than shout at some poor underpaid staff member.

Can't say I blame them shutting up shop early either, I'd leave a note on the door telling people to write to Scott O'Neil with their concerns.
Let's see how they get on today shall we...

Of all the days for there to be high wind this is NOT the ideal day. I’m sure we’ll hear plenty of stories about today (as we do every single year but we won’t get into that) but the fire will be burning hotter than usual if rides are closed due to wind. Popcorn certainly at the ready. Even the Joker isn’t prepared for the amount of chaos we’ll likely see today
The rain should have passed by two.
There is only an hour of very strong winds forecast, the rest of the day looks manageable.
The issue isn't the weather, the issue is management.
They just offer free return or in my case because we had a journalist in the group who was as gong to write and article for the mirror they offered VIP passes with Fast track for all rides.
Did the journalist write the article for The Mirror, or was the offer of VIP fast passes enough to sway them to fold?
I agree that the park won’t direct the fire alarm to be set off, but it’s entirely plausible that an individual actor could set off the fire alarm on Wicker Man.

As concerns park-level management, I agree that there are certain things they do not have control of. Clearly they can influence overall budgets, but won’t have the final say. Other decisions, like closing the Guest Services queue, are entirely their responsibility and they should, rightly, be held to account for it.

I’m not even sure that the current situation is analogous to periods in the 2000s. The park had far better F&B, ride availability, quality, and actual flat rides back then. The current park has been stripped of all these things already and so the base position now is really some of the worse it’s been in recent history.
Did the journalist write the article for The Mirror, or was the offer of VIP fast passes enough to sway them to fold?
It's very easy to say you're a journalist, I very much doubt that they were. That sort of practice goes against NUJ and IPSO codes of conduct, not to mention being borderline illegal (extortion and or blackmail).

I'm more amused that the person in question thought it was a flex.
I agree that the park won’t direct the fire alarm to be set off, but it’s entirely plausible that an individual actor could set off the fire alarm on Wicker Man.

Entirely plausible. Or it could have been a guest. Or someone was smoking/vaping where they shouldn’t have been.

In both scenarios it’s entirely an individuals actions unrelated to Merlin (even if it was an employees decision) and as such Merlin/towers get the blame for merely following basic fire safety protocols.