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$1.2bn “Hollywood studio theme park” opening in Yokohama, Japan?

Matt N

TS Member
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Shambhala (PortAventura Park)
According to Blooloop, as well as various Japanese media sources, a $1.2bn theme park is being built in Yokohama in Japan, a region not too far from Tokyo. The park is apparently being built on 242 hectares of land that were agreed for theme park use in April 2020, and it is said to be similar in size to Tokyo Disneyland.

Perhaps the most interesting part is that a major Hollywood studio is backing the project, and its properties will be the theme of the park. With both Universal and Disney owning theme parks in Japan already, I’m guessing it won’t be either of them; maybe it’s Warner Bros or Paramount?

No opening date has currently been announced.

Here’s the Blooloop article I read: https://blooloop.com/news/hollywood-studio-theme-park-yokohama-japan/

What do you guys think to this potentially very exciting news?
2 alternatives could be Studio Ghibli (although doubtful as they are building one in Nagoya) and Lionsgate (most likely). Lionsgate have been active in Asia previously and has been mooted to open in South Korea but thats gone quiet these days. There's also new Hunger Games books and films on the way so I wouldn't be surprised if they are already looking to capitalize on that. Nothing concrete on the above though, just guesses.

Definitely exciting news though :) (*hopes it not another London Resort)
Could also be a venture from Sony Pictures - they are parent-owned by Sony of course (who are a Japanese company) and already have a Japanese subsidiary called Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan. Never been in the theme park industry though of course, but they have some enormous IP's both new & old having acquired Columbia Pictures in the 80's.