Obviously I will be voting Green, being a local election candidate for the Greens and massively involved with campaigning for the party.
As I see it, the Greens are the only major national party with an alternative model to austerity.
Just a few reasons to vote green include: The introduction of a Robin Hood Tax, Wealth Tax for people worth over 3 million, free university and scrapping tuition fees, stopping cuts to public services and welfare which is tearing apart the fabric of our society, stopping privatisation of NHS, prioritising climate change, renationalising the railways, greater investment in renewable energy, stopping fracking, repealing the anti-trade union laws, living wage as minimum wage, supporting worker lead buy-outs of companies, refusing to scapegoat immigrants, reverse academisation of schools and end free schools, democratic reform including the abolition of all inherited positions at all levels of government and an elected house of lords.
With a huge surge seeing the Green Party membership grow larger than both UKIP and the Lib Dems in the last month, with polls seeing Greens up to 11% overall (more than 1 in ten voting Green) or 29% amongst the 18-24 year olds and with the inclusion in TV debates, there is certainly potential for huge progress to be made. Unfortunately the unfair first past the post system will have an impact (something UKIP supporters do not seem to understand with their unrealistically high hopes) and will likely limit our return in MPs but if we continue as we are we look likely to get around 3-5 MPs, or if we see more massive surge moments as we expect after TV debates its possible we could get more.
Its going to be the effect of next parliament which will offer the fertile ground for huge change. If Labour win or scrape together a coalition which allows them to go ahead with their plan to implement the deeper austerity that they have promised, we may well see a Syriza moment for the Green Party. If the Tories win this general election, I expect 2020 will go to Labour by default and I'm not confident to make any predictions from that point onwards. Will have to wait and see.