Went to Europa Park Saturday and Sunday (how surprising you'll say

Except the work on Voletarium, and the news mentionned in the video above here is a quick sum up of what I've seen.
Talking about the shows, I must admit that this year is a very good year. We loved all the 3 Main ones, the favorite being Sonata Delle Carte in Theatro Dell Arte. The Ice show also is great, despite the strange storyline. The Arena show in Spain, even if not very different, stays fun to watch.
Not mentionned in the video above, is that Silver Star has a new entrance, and queue line extension. I hope it'll help avoiding queues in the path on busy day.
I was quite disappointed by the new VR film, it is not as good as the old "Ed and Edda" in my opinion. But the new VR entrance and system makes it very efficient, it's a very good news for the ride's throughput, but still not as good as no VR at all.
Overall, and as always, lots of little things have been improved all over the park. Can't mention everything, as I surely haven't seen it all, and it would be way too long for one post.
Now can't wait for the Voletarium to open.