People should remember that Joris, Invadr and Wodan are all very short coasters.
Interestingly, all are roughly 42 seconds.
Wodan is, however, very fast.
What compounds? Don't they all use steel wheels bar Wodan?It is common for the wheel compounds on GCI to change depending on weather and conditions.
What compounds? Don't they all use steel wheels bar Wodan?
As far as I know, Wodan is the only GCI with polyurethane wheels/tyres. All others use traditional steel wheels - I think! Does Wicker Man use steel wheels or steel with a poly tyre?I don't know either way. I know that the wheels on Wodan alter frequently. It would seem odd if this isn't the case for any other coaster manufactured by the company.
Judging by the speed on that video this woodie is likely to valley. JokeIs it too late to get the Valley woodie sorted instead? Joke.
It looks like they stopped the train on the lift a few times - they may be testing it completely under gravity (center of the train at the very top, and then let go at 0 mph) to make sure it can get through the circuit without valleying, before later letting it go over at the desired speed of the lift hill.
I would have liked to have seen that video. Anyone got a private link so the park's marketing dept can't stick their dick in it?