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2019: General Discussion

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And here is a prime example of such behaviour when it goes beyond verbal. And the woman who did it had kids with her!! :eek::eek:
She should be ashamed but I bet she couldn't give a damn and reckoned the woman deserved nearly getting run over, probably wishing she had of been.

Here is another example


Even Ambulance crew are on the receiving end of abuse when out saving lives.

Also yesterday Jess was on the receiving end of name calling too, not only not acceptable, but also a hate crime offence.

Do they have some obligation to look after the bricks for so long? Ours was one of the originals so no doubt after looking at that picture it’s weathered horribly and is now illegible

No, it's in their terms and conditions that they are not responsible for any damage cause due to wear and tear. Saying that, we have our names at Colchester Zoo, for some of their new enclosures, they are still looking great after a good few years, certainly looking better than Alton Year old brick
Sorry to go slightly back, but credit where credit is due. I do slate Merlin and Alton quite a lot. But they seemed to have delivered a much better opening this year, giving a far better impression to customers new and old alike. This is great stuff, well done Alton!
I thought there were a few operational issues at the weekend, low capacity on Oblivion and constant breakdowns on Spinball chief amongst them, but compared the utter disaster that was the early part of last season I guess it wasn't too bad on the whole.

I believe Oblivion's issue is not deliberate low staffing and will be back to (what passes for) full capacity fairly soon. Hopefully WM & Galactica will be back on 3 trains swiftly too.

(This is about as positive about AT as I go)
Definitely feels like a much better start to the season. The Dungeon is even getting better reviews and reactions than I thought it would do. It's not a thing I'm interested in personally but I'm not dead against it being there for a few years.
I personally don't think that those bricks were designed to be walked on by 20 odd thousands of guest daily.

Those bricks would have been better off used in a wall

Edit to add a pic of the brick T&C's


"-Although of excellent quality and design to last, bricks may become worn or damage over time owing to natural causes. No liability can be accepted for this by us" :rolleyes:
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I personally don't think that those bricks were designed to be walked on by 20 odd thousands of guest daily.

Those bricks would have been better off used in a wall
I was thinking the same. Whenever I’ve seen parks offer this type of thing, the bricks are usually more like paving slabs, so much more solid and resistant to wear.
"Bricks may become worn or damage over time owing to NATURAL CAUSES. No liability can be accepted for this by us".

I'm no lawyer, but I think it could at least be looked into whether Alton placing a brick on the floor, where they know thousands of people will be standing and/or walking on most days of the week, is actually NATURAL CAUSES or not. I would argue that it's negligent decision making to place them where THEY HAVE DECIDED to put them. Not sure how much success you would have, but I would most probably be asking the question if I'd paid for a brick and it was basically not fit for purpose within about a year or so. Not got a brick though, so not really my problem :)
Natural infers that it is not made or caused by humankind. Putting bricks where there is knowingly heavy footfall, breeches their own terms and conditions as the bricks clearly are worn. I do not think 12 months is acceptable in the slightest. Not for £50.

But then again, who wants to waste £50 on a brick. You can buy a similar brick for 36p!!! THIRTY SIX PENCE. The writing is in no way worth the extra £49.64. Someone at Alton has been pulling peoples pants down here.
So basically, by purchasing 1 of these bricks, you're effectively footing the bill for Towers to repave their entrance plaza.

Not when similar bricks can be purchased for 36p each, buying bulk would be cheaper.

Lining someone's (shareholders) pockets more like.
Indeed. Merlin won’t give them any budget for refurbishment work, so they have to come up with ‘inventive’ ways to fund it.
I am selling these bricks below for £60. For an extra £20 I promise to tippex your name on it.



I am all for inventive ways for Alton to make money, but when they are clearly making so much money off each brick, atleast have them last a bit longer as that really is a massive middle finger to people who paid good money for these.

Let's assume they cost 30p a brick like the Wicks ones, including the writing for that price. As the bricks would no doubt be cheaper than that for Alton to purchase due to economies of scale. That would be a whopping markup of 166,566.7%!!!! Yet they cant cut into that markup just a little bit to make them last longer than they have, a massive middle finger if you ask me, daylight robbery. You can't even use the argument 'i wanted my name at Alton Towers' because by the looks of it, the names have gone, you just brought a massively overpriced brick!

The bricks with the writing cost next to nothing. As bricks always have. Yet for that, they can't even give you a proper paper certificate. It is a huge joke, how much of a rip off these are.

To people that brought one, could you please tell me what it is like to pay for what is now a plain brick, for a markup of 166,566.7% than the current high street retail price?
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"Bricks may become worn or damage over time owing to NATURAL CAUSES. No liability can be accepted for this by us".

I'm no lawyer, but I think it could at least be looked into whether Alton placing a brick on the floor, where they know thousands of people will be standing and/or walking on most days of the week, is actually NATURAL CAUSES or not. I would argue that it's negligent decision making to place them where THEY HAVE DECIDED to put them. Not sure how much success you would have, but I would most probably be asking the question if I'd paid for a brick and it was basically not fit for purpose within about a year or so. Not got a brick though, so not really my problem :)

I'm sure that we have been miss-sold on the first part of that sentence "-Although of excellent quality and design to last" . With regards to natural wear and tear, I was expecting the occasional damage to the occasional brick which would be unlucky, but for every single brick that was laid last season to be barely readable....o_O

But then again, who wants to waste £50 on a brick.

Me for one :p and a whole load of other people (including some forum members)
Me for one :p and a whole load of other people (including some forum members)

That is fine I guess, wasting money is subjective of course. However, for them to wear off after 12 months makes it look like an even worse investment. The last time I believe I saw people get shafted this hard it involved a man who's name rhymes with unravel.
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