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2019: Peter Rabbit Hippity Hop - Junior Drop Towers for CBeebies Land

Matt N

TS Member
Favourite Ride
Shambhala (PortAventura Park)
Hi guys. Sorry if this thread is unwarranted, but it has been mentioned in a couple of places that the Alton Towers Dungeons may not be the only thing coming to the theme park in 2019, as it is coming from a budget separate from Alton Towers' 2019 CAPEX budget. So I made this thread to discuss whether we could potentially be seeing something else in 2019 and what type of attraction it could be if we are seeing something else.

I wouldn't be too surprised if we did see something else in 2019, as when we last saw Merlin integrate a midway brand into Alton Towers in the form of Sharkbait Reef in 2009, we also saw Cred Street get rethemed into Cloud Cuckoo Land.

In terms of what type of attraction I could see coming, I could potentially see a CBeebies expansion coming, but I could also see some sort of flat ride.

In fact, an attraction type that I think would be good for Alton Towers, but would also fit with Merlin's business model, is a Skyline Attractions Skywarp, similar to Harley Quinn Crazy Coaster that recently opened at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom:

or Tidal Twister that is opening at SeaWorld San Diego next year:

You might be wondering why I think that this type of attraction would be a good fit for Alton Towers. Well, they are kind of divisive attractions in that some people count them as roller coasters and some people count them as flat rides. So it would be a win win situation, because Merlin could count it as a coaster and credit counters like me could add the ride to our counts, but people who don't count them as roller coasters could also laud it as a new flat ride for the park!

Also, Skywarps only have a 1.2m height restriction, so it adds to the selection for the "too big for CBeebies, but too small for the Big 7" age bracket!

Furthermore, adding to what I said earlier about Merlin being able to count the ride as a roller coaster, they would be able to have the buzz surrounding a new coaster at Towers with very little expenditure, as I can't imagine these Skywarps cost much!

Here is the information page from Skyline Attractions themselves, if anyone would like a look:
P.S. Sorry for long post.
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I think a SkyWarp would be great, but where? I can't see there being enough room anywhere. Harley Quinn coater has a footprint of 37x 9 metres, so it's probably just about small enough to go where Submission used to be in X Sector, but I seriously doubt Towers would even consider putting it there. Maybe where Ripsaw was? But that's definitely too small and they don't wanna piss off the tree police. If I had everything my way, I'd put it in the Dark Forest where those horrible shops are. Tear down the shops, add SkyWarp and then build new, less awful shops. Properly do the theming in Dark Forest. But that would never happen

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I personally reckon the Skywarp Horizon, the smallest model on Skyline's website, might potentially fit into the spot in Dark Forest where Twirling Toadstool/Ug Swinger used to be located. They could theme it to possessed vines or something!

The Horizon is also only 30ft tall, so it would definitely be under the tree line! And Towers may not even have to file planning permission at that height!
Return of Sub Terra, Twirling toadstool and I’d like to see the shows and food outlets return to mutiny bay plaza. I think along with the dungeons that’s the most I could bring myself to expect from Merlin. But with a new coaster just being debuted I think it’s rare we will see anything else major next season unfortunately.
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I would like things that are already in the park to be OPEN instead of NEW.
Already been stated but yeah the various outlets and shows need to return.

Shows? Shows.... Edward... Edward!

Pirates of Mutiny Bay show *needs* to make a return... the park is desperately in need of more things to do without standing in long lines on peak days. And it was almost certainly the best daily show across Merlin's UK parks... not that that's saying much.

Twirling Toadstool and 4D cinema would also be welcome (and cheap) returns.
If we're lucky Sub Terra will come back and nothing else will close (earlier rumours of Blade's death may have been exaggerated). I'd be surprised to see toadstool ressurected after so long rotting away but it's more likely than anything genuinely new.
I would not expect much else new in 2019. With any luck Sub Terra may well make a much needed return, I think Towers would like it to but it depends on budgets from Merlin.

It would surely cost more than it is worth to being back Twirling Toadstool considering its current condition, which is a shame.

Just to be clear, does this mean that the funding for Alton Towers Dungeons is coming from a separate budget to the one usually set aside for new attractions?

If so, I really hope this money is just used on general upkeep and making sure all rides are open, rather than shutting more (which lets face it, is the most likely outcome).
Merlin are spending money on the Dungeon from the midway branding pot o cash - so its cost the towers budget nothing.

Blade removal should be happening, however Towers budget is so poor for 2019 they can't afford to remove it and fill the hole in. Honestly. It will remain into its 36th year.

So if towers cant afford to remove a ride older than most guests, what chances do they have on a new ride? Or even restoring Sub Terra which was binned due to its high staffing cost?

I wait with EAGER ANTICIPATION of what 2019 brings.