If another generic helicopter replaces the digger gun thing then Burton can stop talking about art.
This is what I don’t get
You take a unique piece of theming (yes it’s tired and worn) and make it worse and uninspiring
Helicopters have no story telling purpose aside from a slight noise prior to the phalanx fireworks announcement
The theming should have been expanded, improved and added to. Not somehow made worse, as has happened to the area over time.
- Nemesis kitchen removed
- Nemesis Nosh bus removed
- Ripsaw theming removed
- Ripsaw removed
- Blade theming removed
- Nemesis drill smokeless
- Red rivers turned off
- Unthemed coffee shop added
- Clashing air theme added
- Mutiny racers removed
- Mushroom cloud smokeless
- Nemesis station lighting changed
- Nemesis theming left to rot
- Clashing game stalls/shop and model cars added
- Nemesis repaint worse than previous iteration
- Themed fencing removed
The area from a thematic, artistic perspective has got progressively worse for a long, long the time. Either their original vision was very wrong or people don’t understand how theme parks work…