Firstly, this is my first post as a new member. Secondly, as will become very obvious why, I need to point out that I do not work for Merlin. Also, anyone that knows me personally, will be very aware I am NO NO fan of Merlin, either. Disclaimer over, reason will be obvious.
I found this website a few months back, whilst looking for RELIABLE information on Hyperia, and its teething issues. I found the site very informative, with a wealth of information on Hyperia and "Merlin" attractions in general.
A few days back, a rather "heated" discussion of Hyperia "closing early" last Saturday took place on here, when the park was open until 9pm. For the reasons above, I just felt compelled to post. As there is another late night this Saturday, and as we approach the darker nights, I feel it is important that sites such as this are there to provide reliable information to others. It certainly did that for me, with Hyperia, and more recently Wicker Man, and the likely availability of rides.
I am deliberately not going to quote any single post, as that would not be fair, and make the my point far too personal focusing on one individual. Instead just want to be very clear on the facts. I was there last Saturday. Was in the queue line at 20:20 when the announcement was made that the queue line was going to close. Firstly, the queue line closed, and not the ride. In fact, at about 21:15, as in 15 minutes after the park closed, Hyperia was still running, providing rides to the people already in the queue line. Secondly, the availability page, via both the app and the website, makes it quite clear, and has done so for circa 2 months, that the queue line could close prior to the park - its very clear. In fact its even in the blurb, right at the very top, about the ride inside the app., heading "queue information".
The comments about lies, closing of ride, etc were at odds with the reality on the night.
I make the above points because I found this site a brilliant source of information. Therefore mis-information can be unhelpful at best. For the benefit of people going this Saturday, and when the nights get darker, the ride will run after the park closes (subject to faults obviously), and based on last Saturday will NOT close early. However, as is well known, and transparent, the queue line may close earlier, depending on how busy the ride is. So if you want to ride in the dark, take note of the queue line warning, and ensure you are in the queue at the right time. The ride will run upto and beyond 9pm, but make sure your in the queue well before that time.
The danger of the mis-information is people may decide NOT to go this Saturday, as they could believe, wrongly, that the ride will just close early, and Merlin lie about the opening times. They will then be deprived of a truly oustanding experience of riding Hyperia in the dark. As darkness does not fall until after 8pm, potential visitors could feel there is no point, as the ride just gets closed early - NOT true - the queue line MAY close earlier than the park.
Final point, the local council and Thore Park have licencing agreements, coverning opening times and special late night events. This is for the benefit of local residents. One major reason the queue line has to close before the park closes, is to ensure, like a pub, the spirit of the local licence terms are complied with.