I’ve heard quite a few comments about how Thorpe have gone for “inversions over airtime” with Hyperia, or about how it “won’t have much airtime”. I once agreed with this, but the more I see of Hyperia, the more I’m honestly convinced that Hyperia could have more airtime than people expect.
Yes, it does lack
straight airtime hills, with only the element into the brake run offering this, but I believe that many (possibly even all) of the elements are profiled in a way that could allow them to offer considerable negative g-forces. As far as I can see:
- The first drop looks like it could offer tons of airtime, particularly on the back.
- The Immelmann looks like it could offer a really good moment of sustained ejector airtime on the exit. It looks to be profiled to have more of a “straight airtime hill” type exit than the one on Icon, which I think bodes well for its airtime potential.
- The outerbank into an inversion could be a very interesting element indeed. I reckon that it could offer very sustained negative g-forces. It’s hard to predict exactly how it will ride, but based on other rides I’ve ridden, I’d guess that you might get some nice sideways airtime during the outerbanked portion followed by some very rapid negatives during the downward inversion!
- The dive loop looks almost “zero-g stall” style in initial profiling, so I reckon it could offer some very nice negative g-forces if the similar element on VelociCoaster is anything to go by.
- The outerbanked turn after the splashdown is certainly profiled in a way that might allow it to offer some airtime.
- The final airtime hill into the brake run could offer some very nice airtime if the speed is fast enough.
I was sceptical at first, but I have grown increasingly convinced of Hyperia’s airtime potential, and increasingly excited for the ride in general!
As for the people talking about Hyperia being “the end of Thorpe Park”, with a comment on the same video saying about how “Thorpe Park will close in 2025 due to lack of money”; I have one key thought. My thought is; if Thorpe Park were to be closing imminently, would they really be building a massive new coaster in the first place?