TS Member
Mack have trademarked "Adventure Park Europa", APPARATUS OMH" and "TRANSFERATOR OHM". And the last two have sent people into speculation overdrive.
EP have been releasing Adventure Club of Europe based books recently, the third one comes out in Autumn later this year - the synopsis teases it will be set in Croatia and feature a phantom of the underworld that is said to live in the catacombs under the Zagreb theater. The four ACE Scouts when in the underworld also come across an apparatus built by Nicola Tesla (who was from Croatia).
This has all created quite a speculation buzz among fans - alongside Romania, Croatia is the other most often rumoured country the new themed area in the park might be (supposedly Michael Mack has always been keen on it since his wife is from there).
The mention of catacombs brings to mind the another rumour about the new area over the years; that Traumatica's mazes would be permanently housed in the area's basement level.
And last but not least the area's main attraction the new coaster - there have been rumours it will actually be duelling coasters. Michael Mack's remark a couple years back (as posted earlier in this thread) about the ride featuring a couple kms track have only added to that rumour/speculation.
The duel OHM names of Apparatus and Transferator - potential names of the coasters?
Who knows. Might all be some crazy coincidences. Maybe some other Telsa/electricity themed attractions will be in whatever Adventure Park will turn out to be (another midway beside YULLBE? FEC? ACE based Adventure Land retheme?).

EP have been releasing Adventure Club of Europe based books recently, the third one comes out in Autumn later this year - the synopsis teases it will be set in Croatia and feature a phantom of the underworld that is said to live in the catacombs under the Zagreb theater. The four ACE Scouts when in the underworld also come across an apparatus built by Nicola Tesla (who was from Croatia).

This has all created quite a speculation buzz among fans - alongside Romania, Croatia is the other most often rumoured country the new themed area in the park might be (supposedly Michael Mack has always been keen on it since his wife is from there).
The mention of catacombs brings to mind the another rumour about the new area over the years; that Traumatica's mazes would be permanently housed in the area's basement level.
And last but not least the area's main attraction the new coaster - there have been rumours it will actually be duelling coasters. Michael Mack's remark a couple years back (as posted earlier in this thread) about the ride featuring a couple kms track have only added to that rumour/speculation.
The duel OHM names of Apparatus and Transferator - potential names of the coasters?
Who knows. Might all be some crazy coincidences. Maybe some other Telsa/electricity themed attractions will be in whatever Adventure Park will turn out to be (another midway beside YULLBE? FEC? ACE based Adventure Land retheme?).