I love hearing this in your voice.What small improvements are we making on the park itself? Well... not a lot!
Agreed. Although it was good to be able to watch the video in English, the lack of the usual "we've changed 25 million bed sheets" narrator was somewhat troubling. Alas!@Cheese and I miss the deep voiced narrator, he was always a highlight of the English dubbed NoveltiesBut I'm still cracking up at us being shafted for Liechtenstein for the relocated balloon ride.
As well as the rebuild of the deck; a new more prominent entrance has been created. Would suggest hopes to have it open more from now on.In the final photo you can see the extensive work that has been taking place on the Santa Marian ship which is being partially re-built. The hole in the ground toilet is gone (forever? Who knows) but hopefully this indicates that the Magellan Lounge will open once again in 2023.
That is Roland Mack's backgardenA bit of solace: If you look at satellite photos on google maps etc, you see a large unused area behind England. I am sure that this could be used one day for an expansion of the English land, if the right opportunity comes along. I don't know if it already belongs to the Park or the Mack family (Roland Macks house is adjacent), but even if not, such a thing can be changed.