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2025: General Discussion

Hiding the queue times, I can see where they're coming from however it isn't particularly transparent for those planning trips there. I don't think it's right that someone turns up and finds the park overpacked.

Hiding the rides, this gives a bit of ambiguity in regards to temporary or permanent closure which I wouldn't agree entirely with. There is now a planned closures page but not everyone will look there.

Paultons will do it better by adding in the dates for closure and keeping it on the app.

Especially as the parks are capable of putting down "Closed All Day" on it instead which would be clear as daylight.

I can see why they do hide rides though but I think it can be open to misinterpretation which is why I don't advocate for it.

I wonder how many times the parks have got queries about a ride being closed and whether it's permanent because it's not on the app.
It does seem strange as the Thorpe Park approach is to change the name to include the opening date. This is a lot clearer and probably won't get quite so many queries from guests if any at all.

Maybe wait and see what they do on Saturday, they seem to be changing it constantly at the moment.

Tbh I don't know why this is a big deal, websites such as queuetimes.com have been giving queue times for more than a decade, which are much better than using the app fr analysis with historical data queue forecasts and they graph the queue times so you can look through the queue during a day.

I understand why AT may do this though, for enthusiasts there are alternatives, and the public can get freaked out about ride closures and maitanence imagine the sun on a slow news day making a headline "ThIS world RecCoR bREaKiNG coASteR hAS bEeN BrOKeN FoR a WEek AnD We STiLl hAVe nO IdEA wHY It Is BRokEn"