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[2025] Project Ocean: New Forbidden Valley Flat Ride

I guess the cafe outdoor seating could be converted to an observation area?

What I've found however, the vast majority of the public will just stand where they see fit, if the views are good enough. Making an observation area a mute and useless point. It worked with Nemesis because it was one of the few places you could actually see the ride. With this, you will see it from many places, making many places observation places, regardless of them being official or not.
Yeah ok :rolleyes: !
I cannot see this being open this season. I mean why would they? If they did, it would be a total waste of closed season teasing and hype-building time over winter. If the surveying work around Galactica is relating to improvements happening to that over winter then it makes sense to reveal that along with this next March. Then that's Forbidden Valley completed.
They only said it was "likely" it was opening this year, which sounds more like a guess, as opposed to being "adamant". Other than that there was no new info in the vid. Not sure about the relevancy in posting it to be honest. Sorry if that sounds a bit rude but it's just spam really that doesn't add anything.
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I'd be very surprised if they don't include Ripsaw in the name. Nostalgia is a powerful marketing tool and already have brand recognition. It might be underwhelming for some but from a business point of view it makes sense.
Perhaps a nod to the former attraction would be good, with a name like Riptide, Ripsurge…
There is a chance it could open this year, but a 2025 opening is far more likely. They'll need something to push for next year, and if the ride itself does go up before the end of the season it gives guests a chance to see it and want to return next year when it is open.
Ripsaw Regenerated would be my choice if the had to re-use the name, hopefully they can come up with something new though.

Can't see it opening this year, maybe some sort of ceremony at Scarefest but that's it.
I think that 'Ripsaw' will probably be part of the name, considering that Towers seems to be drawing from nostalgia at the moment. I can't see this opening in 2024, as there is plenty of work to be done.