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[2025] Toxicator: New Forbidden Valley Suspended Top Spin

I just don’t see how if it is a Top Spin it can work in the original Ripsaw orientation on top of this structure. The whole weight of the ride would be exerted on the tunnel roof, arguably the weakest point of the whole concrete structure. Turning it 90° would mean the weight is transferred down onto the side walls of the two plant rooms either side.

But, as John has already pointed out, that would leave little to no room for a dropped loading platform to lower down into. If you’ve ridden a floorless model like Talocan you’ll know that the floor drops down a good couple of metres prior to the ride beginning. Based on the height of the tunnel with the outline of a person for scale, I don’t believe there is enough room there for a floor to lower away far enough without encroaching on the tunnel roof.

I really don’t see though if this is going to be a Top Spin why you would over-engineer it in this way. We know for a fact that one fitted perfectly within the site footprint without issue because one already has in the past! Why go to the extent of building this tunnel structure just to put essentially the same/a similar ride in that was there previously?

Of course, I could be wrong and I’d love to see a floorless Top Spin at Towers, but I’m really not sure this is the one based on what we’re seeing in the plans.
I just don’t see how if it is a Top Spin it can work in the original Ripsaw orientation on top of this structure. The whole weight of the ride would be exerted on the tunnel roof, arguably the weakest point of the whole concrete structure. Turning it 90° would mean the weight is transferred down onto the side walls of the two plant rooms either side.

But, as John has already pointed out, that would leave little to no room for a dropped loading platform to lower down into. If you’ve ridden a floorless model like Talocan you’ll know that the floor drops down a good couple of metres prior to the ride beginning. Based on the height of the tunnel with the outline of a person for scale, I don’t believe there is enough room there for a floor to lower away far enough without encroaching on the tunnel roof.

I really don’t see though if this is going to be a Top Spin why you would over-engineer it in this way. We know for a fact that one fitted perfectly within the site footprint without issue because one already has in the past! Why go to the extent of building this tunnel structure just to put essentially the same/a similar ride in that was there previously?

Of course, I could be wrong and I’d love to see a floorless Top Spin at Towers, but I’m really not sure this is the one based on what we’re seeing in the plans.
If it's the floorless version it either needs raising up or having a pit dug to house the retractable floor. That would explain the concrete structure.
If it's the floorless version it either needs raising up or having a pit dug to house the retractable floor. That would explain the concrete structure.

But dug down into what? The tunnel below? This is my whole point. Whichever way you position the ride it needs a big trough the width of the gondola which is at least two metres deep for the floor to lower into. And whichever way you put one, it’s going to interfere with the tunnel.

If you raise the height you push the ride over the 18m height ceiling that keeps being cited.
But dug down into what? The tunnel below? This is my whole point. Whichever way you position the ride it needs a big trough the width of the gondola which is at least two metres deep for the floor to lower into. And whichever way you put one, it’s going to interfere with the tunnel.

If you raise the height you push the ride over the 18m height ceiling that keeps being cited.
The roof of the tunnel does look like it could be quite thick though, but I guess we'll find out eventually.
The recessed trough seen on the section runs between the two themed cylinders and judging by the person for scale is about 1.5 - 2m deep which may be enough for a lowering floor. This would also line up the the ‘towers’ of the top spin being next to the themed cylinders. I can’t see that it can be the other way round with the passengers facing the cylinders.

That does seem like a lot of effort rather than just positioning it where ripsaw was, however, I think one of the only downsides with talocan is that you can only see half the people on it. But with this proposal, people would be facing the pathway running underneath on both sides, and raised up to be level with the area by the cafe, should have some good 360 degree interaction with people in the area.
The other major issue with it being a Top Spin at 90 degrees to Ripsaw is that it would be facing the main pedestrian tunnel through to Galactica, RCR and park exit. Ripsaw could draw large crowds which blocked the pathway when it was side on, if the only place to get a good view from was the underpass entrance/exit then god help anyone trying to actually walk through the area.

I do agree though that is is likely to be something that has supports at the sides rather than ontop of the tunnel.
I saw measurements for the base as: 11.5m x 14.5m a KMG Freakout is 11.1mx14.5m according to their website, though the height of 19.8 m would put it slightly above the top height.

Plus a Freakout is baddd throughput wise in its standard form but something along those lines?
Afterburner is better throughput but I think would be a little above the measurements given.
I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest a Zamperla Nebulaz, it matches the ride platform dimensions, offers a unique off ride experience and can be themed to almost anything.

Although throughput would be awful and onride experience is somewhat lacking.
I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest a Zamperla Nebulaz, it matches the ride platform dimensions, offers a unique off ride experience and can be themed to almost anything.

Although throughput would be awful and onride experience is somewhat lacking.
Didn’t Zamperla at one point offer an inverting model of the Nebulaz - it’s never been built yet so would be worlds first too
Hang on, "Underpass to Galactica"? Does this mean that the way of dealing with the long running theme clash between the rest of Forbidden Valley and Air/Galactica is that the area will be split in two?

Without the Galactica and RCR plaza, FV would still be quite a sizeable area and it leaves the Air car park free to create a brand new area in the future, which includes Galactica in it.

Far fetched I know but what the hell.
I hope so. If Galactica isn't re-themed, then this would be sensible.
I love the tunnel going underneath, that will be such a cool visual.

Presume this is for 2025 as the work will be too intrusive?
Hang on, "Underpass to Galactica"? Does this mean that the way of dealing with the long running theme clash between the rest of Forbidden Valley and Air/Galactica is that the area will be split in two?

Without the Galactica and RCR plaza, FV would still be quite a sizeable area and it leaves the Air car park free to create a brand new area in the future, which includes Galactica in it.

Far fetched I know but what the hell.
No, it is because one of the theming features (and the ride itself, as it will be situated closer to Nemesis than Ripsaw was) is going where the pathway is now. There still needs to be access for people to get through, as otherwise it would mean everyone having to go through the Coffee Lounge to get through to Galactica, which would cause absolute chaos. So the tunnel is the solution to that.
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I don’t think it’ll be a Top Spin, personally. The specified footprint seemingly isn’t big enough for one.

The footprint of the area is 11.5m*14.5m, whereas the published size of Huss’ Suspended Top Spin is 22m*9m: https://www.hussrides.com/thrill-rides/top-spin-suspended/

And the classic Top Spin is bigger again, at 22m*11.5m: https://www.hussrides.com/thrill-rides/top-spin-classic/

To me, those dimensions would rule out any kind of Top Spin unless Alton Towers have opted for a smaller model that Huss doesn’t currently offer.

I have no idea what it could be instead, however…
Here's the Suspended Top Spin dimensions - would it fit?
Thanks! Overlaid at scale it is very close to fitting exactly but not quite in a couple of places around the lowering floor. So either a slightly different floor lowering mechanism would need to be incorporated or it’s not a Top Spin!


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