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[2025] Toxicator: New Forbidden Valley Suspended Top Spin

Thanks! Overlaid at scale it is very close to fitting exactly but not quite in a couple of places around the lowering floor. So either a slightly different floor lowering mechanism would need to be incorporated or it’s not a Top Spin!
that would fit really well, the only problem is the hydraulic cylinders to lower the floor, if they move them a bit it would fit
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To me, those dimensions would rule out any kind of Top Spin unless Alton Towers have opted for a smaller model that Huss doesn’t currently offer.
I wonder if this will be a new version of the Top Spin that Huss are yet to announce? They seem to have recently introduced new designs for lots of their other classic rides, but not the Top Spin. Just a thought, seeing as Merlin are working with Huss at Legoland California.
This is a side view, and you can see that there is a lot of space either side of the tunnel. If it's a top spin I think the pistons for the floor would go here, and the floor would drop low enough to be just resting on the top of the tunnel.

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Nothing to say the floor drops and folds or does something different. Totally plausible to get this part of the ride redesigned.

I dont think it will be a carbon copy of Talocan but i bet its vrey similar
Thing is, if this is a returning Ripsaw like many are suspecting, wonder what theming job it would had. If someone could correct me but was the original Ripsaw theming based on digging equipment from the pit or something else? Either way, it won't be anything to do with that Mad Max theming job which while I think Ripsaw was without doubt the best themed flat ride the park ever did, it would have to be different to fit in with the new area. Question is, how would a new look Ripsaw be themed to and what would its purpose be for Phalanx?
Thing is, if this is a returning Ripsaw like many are suspecting, wonder what theming job it would had. If someone could correct me but was the original Ripsaw theming based on digging equipment from the pit or something else? Either way, it won't be anything to do with that Mad Max theming job which while I think Ripsaw was without doubt the best themed flat ride the park ever did, it would have to be different to fit in with the new area. Question is, how would a new look Ripsaw be themed to and what would its purpose be for Phalanx?
could be that you are in the creatures grasps, the arms are tenticles and the theming is tenticles comming out of the ground and the nemesis creature is flinging you about.
Thing is, if this is a returning Ripsaw like many are suspecting, wonder what theming job it would had. If someone could correct me but was the original Ripsaw theming based on digging equipment from the pit or something else? Either way, it won't be anything to do with that Mad Max theming job which while I think Ripsaw was without doubt the best themed flat ride the park ever did, it would have to be different to fit in with the new area. Question is, how would a new look Ripsaw be themed to and what would its purpose be for Phalanx?
The theme was a decontamination theme (hence the fountains) created from the scrap metal that the monster/alien made during excavation.

If it is Ripsaw 2.0 and there's no pool for fountains, could the theming features be for misters instead? Assuming it's going to go with the same decontamination theme...
It’s interesting they aren’t showing the full ride type etc on the plans. Unusual for a flat.

Makes me think maybe Rip2 isn’t coming after all and this something brand new they don’t want anyone to see.

They don’t have to as the GDO covers the ride, it’s the structure that needs the permission.

This way they keep it a secret for marketing purposes. Even if it’s a topspin they will want to marketing reveal.
This is a side view, and you can see that there is a lot of space either side of the tunnel. If it's a top spin I think the pistons for the floor would go here, and the floor would drop low enough to be just resting on the top of the tunnel.

Yes, it would appear to be a relatively small change to move the hydraulic pistons. I think that section is one of the most convincing as other than the pistons the width, depth and lower position of the floor exactly match the AT planning docs. The other convincing bit is on my plan overlay, the fencing on the platform and the gates shown exactly line up with the structure of the top spin and where you would need to access either side of the gondola.
So, do we think we’re getting a high quality fully themed ride experience here?

Are Alton trying to get their ducks in a row before Universal GB opens? They’ve got around 6-7 years to get the park up to standard!
So, do we think we’re getting a high quality fully themed ride experience here?

Are Alton trying to get their ducks in a row before Universal GB opens? They’ve got around 6-7 years to get the park up to standard!
If Epic Universe is anything to go by Alton will be building half of it's total flat ride line-up before Universal GB has even broken ground.
If Epic Universe is anything to go by Alton will be building half of it's total flat ride line-up before Universal GB has even broken ground.
Doesn't matter if they can have a complete park experience to a decent standard and keep pricing £35-40 they can compete they won't get away with their current standard though.
So, do we think we’re getting a high quality fully themed ride experience here?

Are Alton trying to get their ducks in a row before Universal GB opens? They’ve got around 6-7 years to get the park up to standard!

I’m not convinced Universal is the driver here, I’m sure it’s playing on Merlin’s mind but it’s clear Bianca did not like the retro squad and recognised the park needed flats.
While the Universal park is promising, there is no guarantee that it will happen. Merlin will no doubt be keeping a close eye on Universal GB, but at this point, they won't worry about any impact that may or may not have. It's easy to get excited over the prospect, but there are a lot of uncertainties and hurdles until that project progresses.

Bianca was brought in for a reason. Any changes we see this season and beyond will be because of a new management team seeking to improve Alton Towers.

A top spin for this seems too perfect, but even if they've over-engineered it with a pathway/tunnel below, why? It all seems like so much work for a flat ride and a lot of wasting £££s to design it in this way when a previous flat ride fitted perfectly onto flat ground.