This probably isn't art as such but I don't think it deserves its own thread, so I put it here.
Having done a few theming concepts, I thought I'd have a go at creating some real life theming in the form of a small Japanese water garden area in our back garden.
Unfortunately, it isn't yet complete and I won't be able to work on it for a good few months. I figured that it would be better to leave it and spend time over it later rather than rushing it, so this is what I've done so far:
This is the initial concept drawing. The garden is being built in a corner between two high brick walls which once made up the walls of a wooden conservatory.
Step one was to build a small brick wall to retain the pond and flower beds. The wall is constructed from assorted brick rubble found in "routine excavations" of our garden. Some of it could well be medieval!
The other retaining wall is left over from the old conservatory and faced with unsightly concrete. I thought I'd get around this problem by producing a series of cast tablets to cover this up. This photo shows the mould for these tablets. It's a plasticine impression which produces a plaster relief.
This is the finished result next to the mould. I eventually toned down the rustic terracotta effect as it looked a bit too cartoony outside.
Next, I constructed the frame for the pagoda using basswood and PVA.
The pagoda Frame with a few licks of paint. This is far from the finished paint scheme and the camera flash makes the green appear much more lurid than it is.
The plants that I picked out. The maple, we have had for a while and I've always wanted to give it a Japanese setting.
Soil, pond liner and plants in position.
Pond filled, rocks going into place and water movement pump installed. I decided to move the pagoda to a rock island in a more prominent position.
Flagstones placed on top of walls, more rocks installed and aggregate ground cover added.
A comparison shot with the concept image. I didn't think that the walls would need paint but having seen it at this stage, I think that some of the plants are lost against the white walls. I didn't paint on the stenciled cloud, that was there before. I'm not sure whether I should paint a background scene or just use a neutral block colour.
So that's what I've done so far. I hope that this post isn't too heavy on your bandwidth.