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Blackpool Pleasure Beach: General Discussion

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As I couldn't skive to the Beach two days running, I just took a trip to our local travelling fair.
Open 2 till 9, it was hissing it down, but at 3pm ninety percent of the rides and stalls were closed
Who do I sue?

Bit different when it's pay per ride though ain't it.

You know that. Stop trying to play the role of wind-up merchant.
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As I couldn't skive to the Beach two days running, I just took a trip to our local travelling fair.
Open 2 till 9, it was hissing it down, but at 3pm ninety percent of the rides and stalls were closed
Who do I sue?
Hardly the same as when you've purchased a wristband, though.
Petrol, half an hour of my life...that must be worth 20p at least.
Just felt sorry for the poor blighters trying to make a living.

No, overall I never have problems with early ride closures, mainly for the very selfish reason that I tend to leave mid afternoon to skip the rush hour.
For those who do make plans for a full day, this must be a pain in the bottom.
Earliest close times should be just that, change the wording, or do as you say.
I’m thinking of visiting over the weekend. Given the alleged earliest closing time of 7pm on Friday, my plan was to go up after work and stay over Friday. I’m now in a genuine predicament as to whether to bother, as this early closing is becoming the norm. An hour off my already short day there on Friday would be a deal breaker.

Given it’s appeared to close early all week, I’m guessing there’s a good chance Friday will be no different. It’s a sad state of affairs when you have to second guess a park’s OWN opening hours and plan your trips around the possibility of them pulling a fast one.
Tricky one venny, weather to improve Thursday and Friday, so it might open through to seven as all the kids are off school still, some go back next week, some the week after.
If the rain comes early...who knows!
Always an excuse to sit down on the Velvet Coaster that bit sooner.
I’m thinking I’d quite like to be sat at Coasters watching Icon test!

The rain looks to be forecast at 7pm for the moment.
We were there BH Monday, expecting a 7pm close, but noticed 5pm closure signs around lunchtime. Somewhat surprised at that, when I'd seen the "earliest closing 7pm" when booking.

To be honest, I doubt we"d have stayed beyond 6pn. The weather was miserable most of the day, sleet in the face on the coasters was getting painful, and the 2 inches (on the flat) of water in the Valhalla boats had left us with wet footwear that saw replacement socks making little improvement against.

Now hoping that BPB will honour the rainy day guarantee without any fuss on a day Icon is open and the weather is predominantly dry.
Maybe it’s just dawned on them how much they have spent on Icon and are now having a brown pants moment and trying to save money
As I alluded to previously, the profile of their season has likely changed in that people who tend to visit once a year will likely wait for the new ride. Plus, the weather was not particularly kind to them during WOW weekends.
It shows a complete disrespect towards their customers, the park doesn't deserve a ride like Icon when they're acting in such a disgraceful way.

If gate figures are low then maybe they aren't doing enough to attract customers? Closing early to save money and spiting those who have chosen to visit is the lowest of the low.

Just when you thought the park couldn't sink any lower after Mouse...
It shows a complete disrespect towards their customers, the park doesn't deserve a ride like Icon when they're acting in such a disgraceful way.
Oh give over, Jamie! The park 'doesn't deserve' a ride like Icon. It's not a kid being denied an ice cream on the way home from the park!
Oh give over, Jamie! The park 'doesn't deserve' a ride like Icon. It's not a kid being denied an ice cream on the way home from the park!
Never said it was??

It's extremely bad from a customer experience point of view for them to be taking one (or in some cases, two) hours from people's day AFTER they book online and/or travel to visit the park.

With the park opening a new coaster within the next few months, you'd think they would be doing everything they could to build a good reputation and ensure customer service is where it should be. The fact they're closing early clearly displays that they aren't taking this seriously, instead putting short term cost saving first. So no, the park (or indeed those in charge) doesn't deserve or seem ready to be opening a huge new coaster.

And all this, just months after they lied through their teeth about Wild Mouse being closed for "maintenance" only to trash it on the quiet.

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