Controversially, I actually think I like Inferno slightly more than Nemesis, as I think it has a nicer level of intensity for me personally (Inferno has no grey-out moments for me, whereas Nemesis’ helix often makes me grey out), and it’s also smoother and runs a bit faster through the entire layout than Nemesis at times (although when Nemesis is running well, I’ll admit this is debatable), although the two sit right next to each other in my rankings (Inferno is #8, while Nemesis is #9). I should clarify that the reason why I said “I think I like Inferno slightly more” in such an noncommittal way is because I often find that when I ride one, I like that one more, and the tables turn when I re-ride the other! They’re hard for me to rank, for sure, but having ridden the two within a week of each other in September, I do currently think Inferno just takes it for me.
From experience, though, I do think that Nemesis is the more temperamental of the two. I’ve had great rides on it, but I’ve also had some slightly more average ones as well, where it’s either somewhat rough, somewhat slow in places, or both. Inferno is a bit more consistent in this regard; it always seems to deliver at its very best.
I will, however, concede that Nemesis is vastly more highly rated on the whole, and not just because of nostalgia either. I think people genuinely do love the ride; whenever Americans come over here, they always seem to be blown away by it, so it’s clearly not just nostalgic Brits who revere it.
I personally like Nemesis a lot, but don’t entirely identify with the massive hype train for it; Nemesis isn’t my favourite Alton Towers coaster, let alone my favourite UK coaster or overall coaster, and it also isn’t my favourite B&M invert (Montu takes that for me, from memory). Don’t get me wrong, I get exactly why people love it so much, I’m just not sure that type of thing quite satisfies my fun-o-meter like some other things I’ve ridden.