Blaze said:If anyone in the news this week should be executed, I'd much rather execute the evil bosses of HSBC.
Why? What did they do.
Blaze said:If anyone in the news this week should be executed, I'd much rather execute the evil bosses of HSBC.
Blaze said:Oh you know, the usual.
Holding for terrorist organisations and drug cartels, making huge profits off the suffering of millions and funding evil.
Not to mention getting away with it completely.
Blaze said:The sort of money they made from this is so vast it's hard to think of a way to get them to repay it. Nothing less than putting them in a disgusting cell and given as hash a treatment as we lawfully can until the day they die.
If a working class person did just a fraction of what these people do, do you think they'd get away with it? No. They'd be lucky to ever see daylight again. There's one law for us and one law for the elites.
Blaze said:Oh you know, the usual.
Holding for terrorist organisations and drug cartels, making huge profits off the suffering of millions and funding evil.
Not to mention getting away with it completely.
To report a crime, wait in (the post office) line.
January 9, 2013 by inspectorgadget
If you asked police officers in the Metropolitan Police whether they would base local officers in Supermarkets and Post Offices for operational reasons; they would probably say ‘no’.
If you asked the Met if they wanted to close their specialist teams and send everyone back to local uniformed policing roles to make crime fighting more effective, they would probably reject the idea.
We, along with most of the County forces have tried this and it doesn't work. The new so-called ‘local police officers’ simply spend their whole time case-file-building on the phone, prisoner handling in custody or running about trying to get their hands on CCTV, statements and forensic exhibits. They never actually get out on patrol.
If you asked County police officers if they thought it was a good idea to run the new ‘response hubs’ from miles away, with less emergency response staff and vehicles, they would say ‘no’.
But all these things have, or are about to be done.
They are happening because of huge budget cuts. It is time that senior police officers stopped trying to sell this nonsense as some kind of ‘new and effective way to police communities’. They are doing it because the government has taken away their money.
Let’s have some of the honesty & integrity which senior officers are always hectoring us about please.
Crime is bound to fall even further when future cuts to police call-centres are announced. No victim of crime wants to wait in a post office queue with the local busybodies listening while they tell the old bill what has happened to them. In some areas of London, being seen and overheard talking to the ‘Five Oh’ at a supermarket desk could be fatal.
Have we really reached the stage in this country where if you have had your head kicked in and your wallet stolen, and you can’t get through on the phone, you have to wait behind someone buying stamps before you get to relay your story? I detect the insanity of Blair Gibbs behind al of this.
When your local police station is closed due to lack of funds, you might comfort yourself in the knowledge that Pakistan with its nuclear missiles is set to receive the most aid from Britain by 2015; £446m. Ethiopia with all those armed militias is expected to get the next highest amount, £390m, then our old friends Nigeria, being the richest country on the continent, at £305m, India with her space programme and nuclear bombs receive £264m and finally Afghanistan at £178m, not including the blood & treasure we are losing in defending them from themselves.
No one came to power promising to cut 15,000 police jobs, close front counters and abolish specialist police teams while maintaining £446m aid payments to a country which can afford to run a nuclear arsenal. Think about it.
Meat Pie said:I was with that article right up until it started getting racist and anti-foreign aid. Cause it's the starving children of India's fault that Britain has an ideological far-right anti-spending government who cut public services while reducing taxes for the very richest. Greedy little foregin poor people.
That's not even mentioning the international politics of western countries funding evil governments in those countries so that they maintain cheap price for labour amongst other global plutocratic interests.
a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.