I took some photos on Sunday.
Drayton May not have added nothing new since 2017 but there slowly been tidying up current attractions.
2016 Flying Dutchman was fully stripped down and repainted. The haunting phase 1 started with a new storyline. Shockwave Queue line repainted.
2017 Dodgems building rethemed, Pandemonium repainted, Ben 10 retheme to Accelerator and Stormforce 10 year long upgrade and the arcade repainted and rethemed inside and out.
2018 Golden Nuggets retheme, 4D cinema repaint as well with the cafe and shop. Maelstrom queue line repainted, Phase 2 of the Haunting, Carousel re-wired, Polperro Express had information added a long the route, Buffalo track repaint.
2019 Phase 3 of the Haunting with new effects in the 2nd pre show and a girl coming out of the tomb at the end, Apocalypse queue line repainted. Chicken Diner repainted and the Buffalo given a another coat of paint with the supports painted also. They started to paint the front of the pirate adventure building.
2020 Jolly Buccaneer was repainted and the wall around the ride rethemed and painted, Final Phase of the Haunting with the queue line been painted, The trailer been repainted and the Skeleton walk way been upgraded and painted, Bounty Pirate Ship had some of its theming repainted but the lockdown stopped them finishing it, Buffalo as you can see in the link above has had new signage, New control booth, New queue line, Ride photo camera added and its back to its full length again, Sheriff's Showdown had a new roof on the extension bit, Thomas Exhibition had new trains added and new signage out front. G forces rock garden and picnic area.
I hope that for next year and 2022 the outside of stormforce 10 is repainting and hopefully the Splash Canyon Case will be sorted and they can get it looking new again with the buildings repaired and repainted with a better colour scheme on Splash Canyons and Shockwave building.
The Zoo looking the best it has been in a long time and hopefully now the penguins and Lamar walk thou will get built.