In no particular order, here are some images I have lying around, these are not my photos, but some from the collection. Enjoy.
Excalibur station overview, before first filling. You can just about make out the blue motors on the station platform that would be covered over. The rotation of the station from the motors is actually what made the whole tow system work. One major issue they had with this ride was having the boats on spring loaded attachements for the rope. Not good when trying to tow a boat through a narrow indoor waterway. Quite a few of the boats were actually scratched quite badly along the sides before the ride even opened.
Excalibur waterfall section construction
Excalibur left side waterfall construction
The waterfall section after the first filling of the lake, notice all the floatsam!
Farmer Dan from Farmer Studios with the captured dragon scene of Excalibur. The black cups on the bottom of the photo are actually where the water level would be, they would sit a few millimeters under the water line and blast compressed air. Giving the illusion of something (such as arrows) being fired into the water. Pirate Adventure had the same effect aswel as Pirates of the Carribean having a slightly more advanced one.
Indoor section of Excalibur prior to scenery, this was the left hand side of the indoor end section. Katana the Dragon would live here, with her fire breathing husband sitting immediatly opposite on the other side of the waterway.
Top of Apocolypse during construction, with Jungle Cruise clearly visible on what would become the Excalibur lake. Aswel as Storm Force 10, which would have been in full swing of construction just 12 more prior to this photo.
Apocolypse machine housing being lifted into place
Again, Apocolypse machine housing being lifted into place. It is actually sitting inside the yet to be built station footprint here. That is where the sit down side resides today, alongside power systems that actually power the huge lifting motors inside the machine house of this Intamin drop tower.
Maelstrom frame during construction (Intamin Gyro Swing)
Jungle Palladium frontage being dismantled to make way for Toonstone, changed to Golden Nuggets during construction. Golden Nuggests uses the same show building as Jungle Palladium, they just built a new frontage.
Golden Nuggets construction
Promo sign for Golden Nuggets, notice the name!