TS Member
Its a toss up between DM and the National Space Centre
I'm not sure i fancy either to be honest
I'm not sure i fancy either to be honest
That's the tiny lift hill that ensures there's a break between boats dropping, altogether there are two lift hills; three if you count the tiny chain which is actually on the offload section. The boats went in a straight direction just after the ride exit (so that in high capacity there wouldn't obviously be a pile up before the end of the ride) for a short distance before turning right at 90 degrees as shown on @DW_0505 s diagram. Immediately after the turn was a large lift hill in a tall building that lead straight in to the onload/station section. This whole building was plain and well lit with a large staircase following the lift hill upwards. It was covered up by a black sheet and not visible to any riders though.Was the lift hill not between offload and onload? I thought it was the drop right after the turn out of the station. (Unless I'm getting confused with Batavia, it's a long time since I went on this ride.)
Further to the corrections suggested by @Sauron97 - here is the updated Ride Plan / Schema of Pirate Adventure at Drayton Manor Park. This has the 180 degree turn on the first turn and also the 90 degree turn between the Unload and Load Points. Again, any corrections, please do let me know.
EDIT: Updated to reflect changes highlighted by @Sauron97 and @DiogoJ42
I'm not sure what the exact problem is, but I think it was something to do with the ride being unsafe to operate for some reason or another.Sorry if this has already been mentioned, what is the actual prob with the ride system?
Who’s the manufacturer
Ah right. Thanks for the info @Ian! In that case, it's probably for the best that Pirate Adventure isn't operating.The ride system was built by Mack, and it’s a fairly basic free-flow boat system.
There’s been a number of reasons suggested/rumoured for the closure, and it seems likely to be a combination of factors, but one of the main issues with the ride system itself is supposedly that the pumps are knackered.
The whole ride relies on the flow of water being pumped around the circuit to push the boats forward, but as the pumps age that flow is reduced. It not only slows the ride, but as we saw with the Dreamworld incident, can lower water levels in some places which can cause issues with boats being able to move safely. The area I expect would be most impacted would be the bottom of the drop. If the water is too low you could end up with boats not having enough drag to slow them down and overspeeding out of the runoff.
I also don’t know what condition the boats themselves are in, but the last time I rode it before it closed (on a TS sandwich meet, maybe 2015?) there only seeemed to be 2/3 boats in service. We queued from the top of the ramp in the first room, but with no cattlepens at the end and it took what must have been 40-60 minutes or more before we boarded. I’ve never been in such a slow moving queue in all my life. I also seem to remember us getting absolutely drenched on it...