My issue with Drayton is it doesn’t cater for your adult / older teenage market. Apart from shockwave and apocalypse what is there really?
Shame - they really lost their way about 10 years ago
Well, I guess it’s like
@Ciaran &
@Themeparksandy1981 said above..
I don’t think the park cares what your issue is

I say that only for the fact that we (as enthuasiasts, thrill seekers and young adults - WOOHOO, YOUNG!) are clearly not the park’s target audience.
Back in’t day when the focus was the installation of thrill rides, a journey seemingly lost when G-Farce landed (I am SO pleased to see that thing go), the park was buzzing with thrill seekers who lavished praise on the place.
The park took a punt on updating their family offer, taking their focus off the thrill market, and they hit the jackpot.
Nowadays the park has relatively low risk decisions to make about investments - they stick to the family audience. Family is a market they have catered well for in the past decade or so, and have built a relatively strong base of guests from that. Despite the incident of recent years, the families still keep coming.
Why? Because the park down the road has a terrible, terrible family offer. CBeebies is a wonderful place for babies and toddlers... but where do they go when when they’ve outgrown In The Night Garden but are far too small for Wickerman and Runaway Mine Train? They don’t!
I have incredible memories of the place from my childhood, but I am in no way blinded by them. When I last visited the park it felt run down, unloved and stagnant. I despise their zoo, I’m not the right age for Thomas Land (I know I can throw some serious tantrums sometimes), and I really struggle to find decent food.
Love the place & desperately want to see it back as a well-loved park with a buzz... I just fear it won’t happen.