It has!Just seen TPWW’s latest Facebook update. Looks like Duel’s indoor queue has had a retheme!
As you met the exiting guests face on the previous accesible entrance via the exit wasn't covid safe as you were too easily stood face to face. As far as I know there was no accesible access to Duel last season.Seems odd that they'd go to the expense of making it worse when there was already an accessible entrance.
It was a "wonky" floor like a fun house with the tilt going one way and then the other. It wasn't wheelchair accessible.The ramp outside was a good idea for all guests to see this area but correct me if I'm wrong but the old route through the room was essentially a ramp anyway wasnt it, just slightly tilted?
Flat ramp defeats the illusion. It’s like Hex but if the seats never moved with the room, so you’d just see that the room is tilted around you and there’s no illusion.
Eh? The point of the tilted floor was an illusion. You felt the tilt but didnt see it (other than before you walk in), so it feels slightly supernatural. That was literally the point of that scene being tilted.There wasn't really much of an "illusion", just a room with a floor that tilted the wrong way.
Removing part of the shop, the ride photo desk and widening the corridor beyond was probably not really possible.
At least wheelchair users get to enjoy part of the pre-show now and see the room rather than bypassing.
Photos of Duel's queue from TS:
Some people like to be dramatic about every decision the park makes haha. It is what it isTo be honest, I don’t really notice much of a difference, besides the fact the queue and fireplace have now switched sides of the room…
I guess some people perhaps have more of an eye for details than others, which is fine by me!Some people just like to be dramatic about every decision the park makes haha. It is what it is