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Graffiti at Theme Parks


TS Member
Now this is a big issue especially for The Smiler. Now i don't have any pictures of the single rider queue-line, but believe me its ridiculous. People scratching penises into the wood, writing their Twitter names and all sorts.

Now here is a prime example.

First sign of graffiti on Outlaw Run :p
Meh, I dont mind it, if its a name scratched on a fence, say in the colossus queue where no-one will notice it much. But something like that is disappointing. :(
I hate it! I makes parks look messy and unkempt.

If I ever see someone writing graffiti at a park then I'll report it as it's not nice to see. The more you report it the less it occurs and, as we complain about it on here, it's a good thing to do!
At parks I can't stand graffiti or the people that think it's their right to come and scrawl their name, number or some illegible joke / phrase onto anything. It makes the place look untidy and can often detract from a theme.
Was at Thorpe today, saw loads of graffiti in the Swarm queue with people's names and some rude stuff such as swear words and penises.

But that TPR one is disgraceful... ::)
PortAventura used to be absolutely covered in it (2009) - the Stampida queueline was almost black with permanent marker as opposed to wood! I have to admit it wasn't as bad in June of this year.

Personally I find it crude, distasteful and downright disrespectful on the author's behalf.

I've not really noticed it at Towers in recent years - there was substantial and noticeable effort by the park to remove it from hotspots (Th13teen queueline) in 2011 & 2012, and I can't say its been an issue since?

Drayton Manor used to have problems in the Shockwave queue, though I've not visited this year?

I hate any graffiti/vandalism - I can't see any justification for it at all. Its not your property, so have some respect!

Edit: what the.. I can't believe that TPR graffiti.. surely it can't have been done by one of them?! How can enthusiasts endorse such vandalism?!

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I've noticed plenty of graffiti in the queue for Thirteen before, and it's not good. That TPR one, on the other hand, really is just awful. It baffles me that a very small proportion of enthusiasts think it's OK to vandalise park property in order to get more of a name for themselves, and to be honest, TPR should know better.

I hope I haven't breached the guidelines on respect for the wider community here...
Graffiti looks awful. I do feel for the staff on park trying to deal with it, as a on going battle.
With it ranging from clean doodles and 'I woz ere' tags through to really offensive drawing or world/lines. That really is not suitable for family parks.

I have to deal with Graffiti at work (a college), so i know that it can appear anywhere you can get a pen. To keep on top of it, I have keep a look out for it all the time. when I find some it is a matter of deal with it on the spot or come back to sort it later.
Pretty sure the Outlaw Run graffiti was actually allowed to be done. I'm sure I've seen a video of them on a behind the scenes tour doing it, not that I'd want them signing a ride I'd helped to make. :p
I hate it.


As much as I can see it in many parks (most notably Spanish parks) christ knows how M&D's don't seem to have any graffiti as you may expect! :eek:
It used to be much much worse at AT - Air and Nemesis were notably bad. AT have been trying to remove graffiti in the Smiler queue but don't seem to be able to keep on top of it. Shame.
Th13teen's queueline used to be abysmal. However, when I visited earlier this year there was very little sign of graffiti around the park which really impressed me as when I had last visited it was a real problem.

I'm with Diogo on this one - shoot on sight*. Neanderthals.

* Please note - this is not literal. More a paraphrase of be very, very, very cross!
It does mark rides look horrible and parks as messy when there is a lot of graffiti. However sometimes I do think the park should make more effort when designing rides/queues to stop it from happening in the first place. Ok sometimes its impossible to stop people writing on things with a permanent marker (who takes one to a theme park anyway?), but some choices of materials don't help.

For example Smilers single rider queue is painted with matt paint on wood, which doesn't take a lot to scratch your name into it, even using gloss paint would make it easier for the staff to wipe/rub off. Now the only option is to repaint it.
rightbackgranty said:
I'm with Diogo on this one - shoot on sight. Neanderthals.

Is there really any need for such violent language? ::)

If Towers had a higher build-quality on park, it wouldn't be a problem. It kinda serves them right for putting in so many horrible unpainted wooden queueline fences.

I strongly suggest that anyone who wants to know why this is a problem at PA and Towers and not at EP and Disney should read about Broken Window Theory. :)
Joris en de Draak is also covered in the stuff, which is a bit surprising.

To be honest, I quite like it. It reminds me that I'm not in fact in some otherwordly place which is more magical than normal life... oh wait.
Seen graffiti in Disney queues so i don't think the quality of the near-by theming is anything to do with it.

Think selecting materials that are hard to graffiti is the key
Not just theme parks that are covered. Wherever there is as queue there is graffiti. Not even a modern issue im afraid. people get bored queuing they vandalise.
It's an age old issue that has been around since humans existed (visit a castle, see centuries old graffiti).

The key is graffiti resistant material, and routine maintenance to cover it up or remove it. Towers is usually pretty good at it, with only thirteen which has had a key issue when it opened in my eyes.
Sam said:
rightbackgranty said:
I'm with Diogo on this one - shoot on sight. Neanderthals.

Is there really any need for such violent language? ::)

True - apologies if any offence was taken. It was meant more as a saying i.e. string em up / throw them in the stocks / throw away the key though I realise could be misinterpreted and was perhaps a little insensitive.

Doesn't change the fact that its an odious trait and should be treated with both disdain and, if caught, criminal charges. There is no excuse for it.