When you have 3 kids, you can't just book last minute budget flights to wherever you want and public transport your way around everywhere for a few hundred quid. So it's usually an annual or bi-annual foreign holiday costing thousands with car hire and including parks where there are enough rides that kids of different heights can enjoy.
So we've usually been quite lucrative business for Towers. Sometimes staying up to 3 times per year. I'd imagine this is their market, families who want a short beano away with the kids and want the convenience of staying on site even if it costs a lot to do so as they can't just up sticks and go anywhere as an alternative.
But even though I can afford these prices, I hate chucking good money away on crap. I only stayed once last year and for the first time we didn't bother eating on site other than the "delicious" breakfast and went off site for food. The bars were awful, so I managed 1 pint and then just cracked open a 10 pack I'd bought from Tesco and sat on the porch outside our EV room.
Oh and kids aren't stupid by the way. Although they don't notice all the finer details we discuss on here, they do fully notice the fact they can't get a drink when trying to enjoy the entertainment and that their sausages at the breakfast table taste disgusting.
The usual Scarefest family stay over was cancelled as a result of increasing prices for declining quality. I opted to go with just my son instead for the day at Scarefest, so leaving the house around 6am and getting back around 1am the following day.
We're looking for alternatives this year and I doubt I'll stay at all. No Nemesis with new Duel being the only draw so far, and judging by the food output at Chessington last year this Aramak nonsense alongside their outrageous price increases ticks another box in the reasons not to visit checklist so I may not even bother buying an AT pass. Including flights and car hire, a couple of days at Energylandia will probably work out not much more expensive than going to Scarefest for a couple of nights this year. We'll probably do some Premier Inn stays around the country, maybe a short break in Devon as well and take our business elsewhere.
Our regular stays over, particular Scarefest, date back to the days before the kids were even born and we've mostly had an excellent time. A tradition I'm sadly going to have to bin off at least for this year whilst things are like they are. Like this park has done so many times, they can deliver low value for short term financial gain and get away with it in the short term. But the price rises coupled with the really quite eye watering speed of the decline in quality has to have a breaking point. I'm not sure what that is yet, but I'm sure Merlin and hardened fans have got a Rishi Sunak style "to be fair on them" excuse list ready for when things go south. Just like we heard for the 4PM closes, the flat ride situation, the deteriation of the rapids, the food and bev closures, the up charge dungeon etc.