I genuinely don’t want to moan for the sake of it, and good on them for offering this to their guests.
However this to me is another example of the lack of attention to detail and low presentation standards that is far too common across the resort.
Many hotels offer free water in their reception areas, some do it all the time, others only during hot weather. I have seen it offered in Travelodges right up to 4/5 star hotels.
One thing I have never seen is them just plonking some jugs and squash bottles on tables. Would it kill them to present things better in something like this? Looks better and seems more hygienic that open jugs. They have multiple restaurants and a conference centre onsite - they must have better equipment to use for situations like this.
Again, I don’t want me be moaning all the time. But the hotels are marketing themselves as 4 star premium experiences. That should be delivered and considered at all levels.