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If you could go back in time to any time period and ride one rollercoaster, what would you ride?


TS Member
Favourite Ride
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Personally, I would go for Moonsault Scramble at Fuji Q Highland (1983-2000). It was the first rollercoaster to go over 200 feet (It was 230 feet tall, to be exact) and hit an incredible G-Force of 6.5G, according to RCDB.
Never managed to ride the ultimate so maybe that. Would also just love to go back to Towers in the mid to late 90’s. I’m only born in 98 so missed that all.
I’d go back to one of the few days that Ring Racer at Nurburgring actually opened, would be great to experience that launch and get a seriously rare cred.
Yep, certainly one I'd want to go back and ride too!
As well as my beloved Reel at Blackpool again, that would be Bobs at Belle Vue, missed by a single season.
The Scenic there was a nice substitute, but not the same as the mighty Bobs.
Either Drachen Fire or Big Bad Wolf at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. The former looked somewhat awful, but I really would love to have experienced it. The latter looked quite special.