Ok, I've stayed as a quieter observer on this topic for a while now (almost since the crash!), and after reading what everyone has been saying, I thought I'd jump in if I may, and offer my thoughts to you enthusiasts as someone who is an occasional visitor to Alton Towers.
A lot of points have been made on here about the safety of the park. I'm sure that Alton Towers were to expect safety to be heavily criticised after such a massive, massive incident, but as many on here have said and I'll echo, incidents such as the one that happened on The Smiler are such a rarity nowadays. What has surprised me is how much the press have picked up on this incident and blown every small thing they do wrong up to be something huge when it is essentially a nothing story (eg. multiple coasters breakdown, evacuations, etc). So as an occasional visitor to the park and not an enthusiast as such, has the safety of the park put me off visiting in the future? The answer to that, is no it has not. As a paying member of public, if I was to visit the park in the future, I would be 100% satisfied at Alton Towers' safety, and with AT adding another layer to that safety also to "ensure this never happens again", is a very positive move from them which has helped to reassure many other members of the public.
Rebranding The Smiler - personally I wouldn't like this to happen if they can avoid it (which I'd guess would be quite difficult to do right now following this tragic accident). The whole theme of the ride including the music fitted the whole area, and standing underneath this massive machine with the music playing sounded absolutely awesome. If they were to do anything to "tone down" on the theme, then I can see the taglines and possibly music being slightly reworked (not sure how!). I can't see them wanting to rename the ride, at the end of the day, whatever the ride's name or theme is, people will still refer to it as the ride that crashed and people lost legs on.
I have absolutely no doubts that this ride will reopen soon, however what is unknown at this time is just how soon will that be. A lot of people have speculated this, but pending H&S and lifting all restrictions (if any?) on running the ride, I really do think that Alton Towers' best case scenario is to quietly re-open the ride late September/October ish time on a limited, light schedule. That way, any bad PR they will likely get will be out of the way before the park reopens for 2016. I did debate whether re-opening the ride next year would be better, but I can almost see the press reaction to that, and with a new coaster potentially opening at the same time, it could further put the public off of visiting the park. It's going to be a lose lose situation whatever way you look at it - it's almost inevitable that the press will pick up on it and it will likely all kick off again thanks to our wonderful(!) UK press, it's just a case of damage limitation and looking to cause as little impact on the park's popularity as possible. Near the end of the current year of the park being open is the most suitable time I can think of it being, as the park will want the press to get any negative PR out of the way and get ready to reopen again in 2016.
But that's just my thoughts. I don't think a redesign is needed (maybe a few minor tweaks to the cars) as if it is redesigned then it makes it look like the ride wasn't safe enough to begin with. Road cars aren't designed to be completely crash proof, but they can add in features such as airbags to minimise impact and hopefully protect drivers from major injury, so maybe that might somehow be an option if they were to make any tweaks or changes at all to The Smiler cars? (It's only an idea don't shoot me down if it's not going to work!)