If I were to take a wild stab in the dark, I'd suspect that 11 minute delay in calling the emergency services is the root cause of the park being closed for three days now. This would affect procedures for all rides, and thus will require retraining.
Of course, it's not that simple either, you've got to make a safety case to the HSE to reopen if you change the emergency procedures. The obvious recommendation here is that emergency services must be called immediately. However, it's not always obvious, it takes much time and discussion to reach a solution that ensures that risk is As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). Supposing that the recommendation was that emergency services are to be called immediately for any incident, even seemingly insignificant. Now that would lead to diversion of emergency resources where they are a disproportionate response, possibly costing the lives of someone else that would require that service. Also, can you imagine the field day the tabloids would have if someone in the park was run over and killed by an ambulance in the park, and it turns out to be an event not requiring emergency response. Not that simple is it?