What i should have said is, it will hurt Business EVEN MORE SO.
Of course Business is hurt but quote unquote damage control, has been nothing short of extraodinary, i just tried to book 2 nights in AT hotel in 11 days time, it is sold out.
There are rooms in splash, which is where i will stay, and there are lodges, however these types of dangerous fabrications cause ripple effects, yes the smiler crashed but we can't go tomorrow and ride that for obvious reasons, but now metal is falling off air and they are keeping that running!?!?!?!
Hi there my name is mr un informed and i saw today in the paper that you are running rides that are falling apart,i really don't want to bring my family to a place that allows this especially after the events of last week, i would like to cancel my hotel booking please ....
You get the point i am trying to make