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Low Budget Improvements

Love these topics & as others have suggested there many ideas that could be incorporated into different areas…
Towers Street.
Make Towers Trading solely a gift shop, this allows then a couple of other smaller shops like a sweet shop, a restaurant & maybe a museum/exhibition space as that would give the street more life and spread the flow..
Mutiny bay.
I feel this area kind of supports itself already but definitely reopening the courtyard more to give it more purpose again.
Katanga canyon.
More interactive for the rapids and just add some themed lighting/mining sounds in the tunnel linked with an explosion and the smoke effects on the RMT.
If the walliams IP stays then it needs to go full British street redo the buildings more like talbot street and but with a walliams/illustrative style.
Add in features like a phone box, letter box, try to reopen the cinema, add back in a cafe to the area, play area in the centre. As others have mentioned move driving school to CBeebies, this allows the area level access again from both sides, this could become home to a small family coaster/flat ride for themed to walliams.
Fountain square.
When the planning runs out for the front lawns stage they should try to gain permission to move it permanently to here, this could then become a new entertainment space.
Continue the tours but it needs more work to tidy it up and bring it back up to standard with cleaning the lakes etc..
Repurpose the old food unit create an interactive play area based around the pinball theme maybe even some pinball machines, theme the fence separating CBeebies/spinball make it look less temporary.

Obviously not everything is low cost but just adding in smallish things/repurposing what’s already there would go a way to improving what’s already in place
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Make Towers Trading solely a gift shop, this allows then a couple of other smaller shops like a sweet shop, a restaurant & maybe a museum/exhibition space as that would give the street more life and spread the flow..
This would be amazing, something that has annoyed me is that it never really seemed like a themed shop, just like a drop ceiling type place.
If they could tear out that Fanta ice thing that is never open and make that an enterance for the gift shop, erect a wall dividing the half's and some theming added to theme each shop (upper shop turned into the new gift shop, lower turned into the sweet shop.
I would also remove the walls arround the ramp and add windows to add natural light in and make it feel less compact.
I just had an Idea for an improvement, move ritas queue line, making it so rarther than have the switch back were it is they could be moved to where the benches are in front of 13's station, this could open up 13's exit and allow for the benches to be moved up there, making the space feel less compact and tight and improving the flow of people exiting 13.