Very sad to hear about this. It will be tough for the minimum wage, zero-hour staff. There aren’t a lot of British parks where you can make being a ride operator (or any other frontline role) a fulltime job. These days even the big parks aren’t offering fulltime hours outside of school holidays. I know a few enthusiasts who have risen through the ranks at different parks and made a career out of it. These days it would be very difficult to do a frontline position without either living in real poverty for some years, living with your parents, or doing a second job (which can be very tiring and give you little work life balance).
Not only do these staff have their hours cut, but the cherry on top will be getting grief from customers about changes that they themselves are likely to resent. And not just resent, but actually get hurt by (in a financial sense).
^^^ Couldn't agree more! ^^^
I would urge all towers staff to join a workers union because the crap they will be expected to deal with this year is not acceptable. Also join the same union (makes things easier)
I renewed our MAP's yesterday at a cost of £517 for the 4 of us and i regret this now....i was in two minds anyway
The days of hot footing around the park getting on most rides int he first couple of hours are gone
And only opening the rapids from may is a disgrace the queue for RMT will be horrific and one of my kids is under 1.4 so them 2 rides played a big part in our day
Not happy
I would seriously consider contacting them to get your money back, this is unacceptable. Under distance selling rules you can change your mind within 7 days and get a full refund. I assume this will apply in this case also. Please make a stand. Save the money and take your family on a trip to Europe!
My thoughts in general.
I'm shocked... It's a new low... etc etc etc. I feel sorry for the staff, the hard up families trying to treat the kids and the poor soles who have just splashed out on shiny new passes and come back every day tickets- you were royally done over... but we'd expect nothing less after all these years of taking shaftings. Most people will happily pull down their trousers and pants for another year of beatings. It's a real shame.
There was a post noting the PA staggered openings. These staggered opening are nothing like the PA ones where the park is open until 7,8,11,12, and 3am on some dates..
Back to Towers, one thing to consider is ride reliability. At least with rides open all day then if they break down there is opportunity to check them out later to see if they are running again. Rides open for 4 hours (particularly looking at Galactica (or should it be Air again now?) here) need to be rock solid in operations or it will just add to the bad trip adviser ratings. Towers might even question the point of reopening a ride if it only has an hour or two of the day left.
It's a farce. I fully expect them to climb down on either the reduced ERT or the reduced operations. it's how they roll. They haggle their way out of it and everyone loves them again for another year. Maybe this year those people with actually get a backbone and broaden their horizons park wise.
On related matter - Is there any sign of Twirling Toadstool/Sub-Terra opening as i see they are STILL listed as attractions and as such is misleading to customers if there is no real chance of them opening.
I'm really not that bothered though. I won't be visiting